Blew my cool. Did I do any good?

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Dec 24, 2002
southeast AR
I made a serious mistake. I watched the ABC nightly news program with Peter Jennings.

I couldn't take it any more. I wrote them a long e-mail and took them to task for the following:

Focusing on the peace protesters and making it look as if their view was the 'voice of America' when there are millions who support the effort.

Focusing on how 'slow' we are progressing in the fastest troup movement in the history of the world.

Focusing on our losses when we are absolutely kicking the snot out of sadam's best.

Focusing on 'too few men, too little supplies, spread too thin' when we have done the above two things.

Focusing on civilian casualties when we have had the most tightly targeted munitions ever on the face of the earth and most civi casualties are caused by the tactics of the Iraqis.

Focusing on how 'slow' we are to do the humanitarian aid when we DON'T HAVE TO DO THAT but are doing it out of the goodness of our heart and the slowness is, again, due to the Iraqi's.

Focusing on the 'low opinion the world has of us' when that is not really the case, WHO REALLY CARES, and the fact that their opinion will be just fine as soon as they need or want something of us.

Focusing on the successes of the Iraqis and neglecting our own and neglecting our finding of chem suits, gas masks, chem factory, 9-11 pictures, etc.

They need to focus on being patriotic, supportive of the USA, supportive of the war effort and supportive of our troups.

Anybody who thinks I really can cause them to change, please stand up! Made me feel better anyway!
Arguing with leftist extremists is like reasoning with the weather.

Whenever I get really, really, really annoyed with the leftist extremists, I make another small contribution to the N.R.A. or G.O.A.
I don't blame you, but you are casting pearls before swine.

Their disease is intentional and self inflicted, they will not be bothered with the truth.
I don't blame you, but you are casting pearls before swine. -- Pendragon

Leftists [and sympathizers with any and all who oppose liberty and freedom in our system] like Peter Jennings are powerful and clever enough to offer their digs at our efforts five nights a week.

Logic is not in their lexicon...and in spite of the fact [like those in Hollyweird] that they make fortunes in our representative republic, they will always be the enemy.

Might as well accept it, ignore their nonsense, and avoid the heartburn. It's hard, I know...oh, it's so hard...but they don't deserve our attention; contempt, yes...but not our attention.
Add this to your letter:

Bill Clinton has deployed troops more times than any president in the last half-century.
Why were none of those actions ever seen as wrong?
Bully for you! Doubt one email will change 'em, but if every irate individual would do as you have done everytime they broadcast their spam, it might get their attention.

(I discovered many years ago that I was a happier and wiser individual if I only watched the infotainment on the big four and only bought a newspaper if I there was an individual story I wanted to know about. But never day after day! Friends and neighbors keep me up to speed on local happenings, USNEWs takes care of the national news. Judiciously sampled doses of radio, various internet sites and regular reading of history provide all I need to know to go merrily along the daily path.)

Wrong Target Critter

Not that you shouldn't have sent the Email. But everyone is right Jennings and his Ilk don't care what an Illiterate, Redneck, Beer swilling, bambi killing, gun owning, American Citizen thinks.
After all they are so much smarter than you. :rolleyes:

This can be witnessed when ever the President speaks. First they come on the air and tell you what he is going to say, then you hear the President, then they come back on and tell you first what he said, and then what YOU should think about what he said.

Watch Jennings again (you can do ti Just take some pepto)Pull up your Email and add this:

TO: (Name of Sponser)

While I have always enjoyed your products, I will be forced to live without them so long as your ads are supporting this biased reporting of the events of the world.

I will be happy to return to purchasing your product when either;
1. You pull your ads from this program or
2. This Network begans to provide balanced and Factual new reporting.

Thank you for your attention to this problem.

If enough of us send the Sponsers Emails and letters things will change.

I don't even get Jennings so I can't do this, as I'm on Satelite dish, and I won't spend money to watch these fools. However if I can get a list of sponsers I'll send the Emails too.
I agree with Raymond. Hit'em where it hurts, in the pocketbook. Since getting satellite, I avoid network news. Been watching FOX news, fair and balanced news.
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