Blockbuster announcement from McLean County, IL state's atty today (Monday)

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Dec 5, 2005

In short, McLean County State's Attorney has called Illinois' prohibition on right-to-carry unconstitutional and he's not going to prosecute FOID-card holding gunowners for merely exercising their rights under Heller and McDonald.

Governor and AG are defecating bricks. IL State Police apoplectic. I expect the usual characters to proclaim the sky will soon fall in their shrill voices.

This has the potential to be huge. It's almost like a rebellion of sorts among IL State's Attorneys regarding IL lack of right to carry if they get more on board.
This is a huge, huge development. This needs to be spread far and wide to other forums, sites and pro-gun organizations. This could be the proverbial crack in the levy...

Good Luck to our friends in Illinois!
it is not as if this is really new. in a lot of the rural areas of IL LE pretty much has a don't see, don't tell practice about a lot of things as regards otherwise law abiding citizens. what is new is the public disclosure.
The question now is, will Quinn et al take the risk of going to court and maybe getting an entirely different result from the one they were looking for.

Quinn's pretty dumb...
WOW! I live in Mclean County and have heard nothing of this before I read the article posted here. I will definately be forwarding it on. I dont think I will run straight home and grab a gun but I hope this is a step in the right direction.
Well, he may not prosecute today, but what about tomorrow? The law is still in place even if he chooses not to enforce it.

Or, is the word "sting" somewhere in there?
He can say that he won't prosecute people carrying pistols, but what happens when someone has to use theirs? The pressure may cause him to fold.
In the normal, civilized manner of Illinois politics, Dozier will be found floating in the nearest river with his throat cut. The Land of Obama doesn't fool around with dissenters.

Sounds positive albeit not too promising, keep spreading the word, maybe a pro 2A organization will find a way to take advantage of this and widen the crack :)
This will be, no doubt, the hot topic at work this evening. The cracks in the wall are showing, but it is wise to remember there are always 'last casualties' in conflicts both civil and martial---so maybe don't go running around like Yosemite Sam and let discretion and discourse be the order of the day.

Good fun nearing the election.
If the federal government can selectively enforce laws, then local governments can too.
Double Naught Spy said:
Well, he may not prosecute today, but what about tomorrow? The law is still in place even if he chooses not to enforce it.

Or, is the word "sting" somewhere in there?
smalls said:
He can say that he won't prosecute people carrying pistols, but what happens when someone has to use theirs? The pressure may cause him to fold.
Kleanbore said:
I would not bet anything on that.

Obviously this announcement is not binding and is limited to McLean County, but I'd be willing to bet there are more than a couple residents that already carry knowing full well the potential legal consequences. I imagine this statement might give them a little more peace of mind than they had before. I see this as a symbolic but positive first step in curbing the State of Illinois' persistent violation of the rights of its residents.
smalls said:
I'm sure there are, but I'm also sure some people are going to overlook those reprecussions after they see this announcement.

Well sure. Humans are notoriously bad at assessing risk. Some will ignore the following excerpt from his statement at their peril:

"I am not urging anyone to disregard the laws of the State of Illinois or the Federal government with regard to firearms."
Without wishing to start a political rant of any sort, I suspect a political 'gotcha' play, here... he's perhaps waiting for an Illinois Democrat to complain that he's using 'prosecutorial discretion' to to an 'end run' around laws passed by the legislature (so that he can score points off them for supporting President Obama's recent decision to do the same).

Dirty politics as usual, the old 'two can play at that game' game, and this is my point; your personal political views on immigration or separation of powers or anything non-gun related aside (which needn't be discussed here), I'd wait a bit to see how this pans out before volunteering to be a test case in State of Illinois vs. (insert your name here).
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