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Nov 13, 2006
In a blow to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's crusade to drive gun dealers out of business, the U.S. government has decided not to file charges against those dealers targeted by the mayor.

Stepping well outside his legal jurisdiction, Bloomberg coordinated a private, undercover "sting" operation using private investigators to stage straw purchases in the hopes of catching dealers engaging in illegal sales. Among the numerous problems with this illicit campaign, Michael Battle, DOJ's director of the executive office for United States Attorneys, cited the Mayor's use of persons "without proper law enforcement authority" and efforts that "interrupt or jeopardize" criminal probes.

When asked if the Bloomberg administration plans to stop conducting the sting operations, Deputy Mayor Ed Skyler said, "Not necessarily."

In hailing this recent development, NRA-ILA Executive Director Chris Cox noted, "NRA has always maintained that Mayor Bloomberg overstepped his boundaries and possibly broke the law in conducting these sting operations, and we expressed our concerns to BATFE immediately. NRA is grateful that the bureau has reviewed the matter and concluded that no action is warranted against these firearms retailers. NRA hopes that Mayor Bloomberg heeds the BATFE's stern warning that he and his administration could face potential legal liabilities if they continue their disregard of current federal law and the safety of law enforcement officers. If Mayor Bloomberg was serious about reducing crime, he would focus on prosecuting violent criminals in his city, instead of resorting to media stunts and press conferences."

Check out:
Bloomin' Idjit


>The U.S. government has decided not to file charges against those dealers targeted by the mayor.<

Well...Did anybody really expect that they would? If you or I had done the same thing, we'd be taking our meals from the tray slot on a jail cell door right now under a 100,000 dollar bond.

Rank hath its priveleges, y'know. Rules that the rank-and-file peon is subject to don't seem to apply to America's elite.
Bloomin' Idjit
He is unfortunately part of an "elite group":cuss: that the rules don't apply to.
Rules only apply to us commonfolk(peasants,serfs), wow sounds like something we fought to separate ourselves from a couple hundred years ago. That is why Bloomie and people like him want to take away our guns-so we can't fight back. Bet King George II wished he had thought of that 250 years ago.
King George

davhina wrote:

>That is why Bloomie and people like him want to take away our guns-so we can't fight back. Bet King George II wished he had thought of that 250 years ago.<

But he did! What do ya think got the shootin' started on Lexington Green?

The British garrison in Boston was ordered to march from Lexington to Concord and seize all arms, powder, and shot from the local armories, and so...the American Revolution began. That's right. The very first gun grab
primed "The Shot Heard 'Round the World."
Wonder what happened

To the guns that were 'straw purchased' by these geniuses?

Several recent incidents in the news of 'buyback' or 'turn-in' guns subsequently used in a crime.
True poetic justice if one of these guns is subsequently linked to a crime scene.

Bloomberg won't face any legal problems (any bets on this?) but I can easily imagine his 'investigators' making long-term residential arrangements in the near future.
Maybe Blomberg skated,but at least they realized he couldn't have it both ways. Not commiting a crime while commiting a crime..
I'm not sure that BBboy is home free, yet. Note that this article merely states that the DEALERS who were stung will not face charges.

...the U.S. government has decided not to file charges against those dealers targeted by the mayor

However, there is a movement afoot to bring charges against Bloomberg and the BAT people have warned him against continuing.

...BATFE's stern warning that he and his administration could face potential legal liabilities if they continue their disregard of current federal law and the safety of law enforcement officers.


armedandsafe noticed:

>I'm not sure that BBboy is home free, yet. Note that this article merely states that the DEALERS who were stung will not face charges.<

Hey! That IS what it said. I read it over quick-like and thought it meant they wouldn't be charging HIM! Aw-RIGHT! Maybe they'll haul him on in and show him that he ain't runnin' the show.:cool:
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