NYC Bloomberg "NRA versus the lives of our children and our police officers."

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Dec 31, 2002
Mayor Bloomberg Exploits Tragedy--Targets NRA

Monday, December 12, 2005

A December 2, story in the New York Post detailed the rantings of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg (R) as he took advantage of a grievous, heart-breaking tragedy and used it as an occasion to wrongly blast NRA.

Referring to the recent slaying of a New York City police officer (by a suspect accused of shooting another officer during a robbery attempt some 10 days earlier), Mayor Bloomberg lashed out at NRA, telling listeners to his weekly radio show that, "Fundamentally, if you want to solve the problem [of gun violence] it's up to Congress, and Congress keeps getting rolled by the NRA. This is plain and simple, the NRA versus the lives of our children and our police officers."

In what amounts to a classic cop-out, Bloomberg prefers to point fingers and deflect blame, rather than address the city's criminal justice system (for which he is responsible and paid to enforce) and arrest and prosecute criminals so that repeat offenders can't continue their mayhem.

Commenting on Bloomberg's diatribe, NRA-ILA Director of Public Affairs, Andrew Arulanandam, said, "I think it's really despicable for the mayor to try and inject politics into this very sad and tragic event. Our membership rolls are full of active and retired law-enforcement and military officers. It is not appropriate to talk about politics at this time. At this point in time our thoughts and prayers are with the slain police officer's family."

If you would like to contact Mayor Bloomberg to let him know what you think about his comments, you can call his office at (212) 639-9675, fax him at (212) 788-2460, or e-mail him at
Bloomberg is a politician.

Politicians enacted prohibition as a control which didn't work.
Politicians continue to throw billions at the drug trade, which hasn't worked.
Politicians continue to throw billions into stemming illegal immigration from Mexico, which isn't working.

Get the point.

Politicians are experts at blaming the wrong reasons for social problems and try to enact legislation which fails miserably all the time and when that doesn't work, they dump in more money because they all feel more money will fix the problem.

They just don't get it, never have and never will.

Their record speaks for itself.

He along with his minions of elected officials everywhere HAVE NO CREDIBILTY.
Lone_Gunman said:
What's this? A republican in favor of more gun control? No, it can't be!

Bloomberg is a silver-spoon elitist bas..well, yeah.

All he had to say about the recently-killed officer was that he had done everything that "he had been trained to do". No, Bloomie, "that HE HAD trained to do."

Cops aren't dogs, Bloomie, no matter what you think of the lesser classes. (AKA, anyone who doesn't have a mansion, downtown loft, and personal chauffeur).

Never a trust an uber-rich politician, because they tend to be of the mindset that The People shouldn't have guns...only bodyguards of people who can afford them should have guns.
He's the mayor of New York City. It doesn't matter if you're Democrat, Republican, or French Toast. In order to be the mayor of New York City, you need to be anti-firearms-ownership, period. That is the political climate in NYC. The people who live there are perhaps the most non-knowledgeable group on this subject that I have ever had the pleasure of interacting with. It is a culture that has lived for almost three generations under the Sullivan Act, and knows no different than "guns = baaaad* (*except for the police)". It has been programmed into them; their conditioning has taught them that firearms, and people who own them, are something to be feared.

They would never elect a mayor who publicly favors gun owners' rights. It is alien to them.
Personally, I think this story is a fake!!!!

We all know handguns are outlawed in NYC, so it is clearly beyond the realm of possibility that any suspect would have a gun there, much less be able to shoot a police officer with it!!!!!

It amazes me how the news services could get this so wrong!!:rolleyes:
And some people wonder why American conservative voters won't vote for Republicans from New York and New England(RINOS) like Bloomberg, DeWine and Chaffee for President.
Some anti-gunners say that because the crime rate has dropped in NYC it prove that gun bans work in the long run. WRONG! Crime has gone down because Gulliani cleaned up the city and got officers back on the streets.

Bloomberg's blaming of the NRA and leagal gun owners is typical of most polliticians looking for easy answers. There are ways to lower crime, but they cost time and money. Writing laws is less expensive and gives the illusion of immediate results.

Absolutely correct. NYC has too many liberals. They all want to be mayor. The democratic primary in NYC is downright vicious with infighting and back biting. Cannabilistic is the best term for it. By the time the primaries are over, every Democrat candidate is so thoroughly slimed by his democratic bretheran that no one will vote for them. So it is easy for a republican to waltz in and snap up the election. We've had 12 straight years of republican control of NYC (2 terms of Rudy, 1 term of Bloomberg) and Bloomberg just won another 4 year term.

As for Bloomberg's affiliation, he was a registered Democrat up until he switched parties before the first time he ran.

Funny but we have the opposite problem in New Jersey. Even as liberal of a state as we are in, the GOP primaries get quite vicious and negative, ultimately hurting the party nominee in the general election. It is self defeating.
If I'm not mistaken, Bloomberg WAS a Democrat, but abandoned ship and re-registered as a Republican.
He is still using all of the Democrat's talking points, though!

It never ceases to amaze me how many of our elected officials have twisted thinking processes! How does one even THINK of the NRA when discussing a murder....unless the shooter is an NRA member? Weren't the bad guys responsible in at least some way? Apparently not, in the twisted logic and thinking of Bloomberg! He didn't even mention anything about the bad guys!

Lastly, he blamed Congress!
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