Bloomberg Withdraws from Republican Party

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He was a Republican?!!

I thought he was a Democrat from all that I had read of him.
Glad to have him gone.


A political party must necessarily be a "big tent." But it needn't be THAT big.

The Republican Party does best when it brings libertarians into the fold, not liberals.
He is not the only person to leave the sinking ship of the GOP. Its like Rats leaving a doomed ship after hitting a ice berg. I suspect many more conservatives and libertarians have already left the party. Now the liberals. They don't want to caught by the suction of the ship once it goes down.
BTW, if he does take a run at the Whitehouse be sure to encourage him! No self-respecting Republican will go near him. He might very well siphon off votes from the Dems. If we can get our NY brethren to vote for him we can take NY away from the dems as well. THAT would sting a bit.
I'm sorry but he cannot be allowed to leave NYC for the good of the country.
Consider it a quarantine to protect the rest of the US from infection.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg changed his party affiliation from Republican to unaffiliated Tuesday, a move that will surely increase speculation he is considering an independent White House bid.

But Bloomberg, who has repeatedly denied he is planning a run, said in a statement his future plans haven’t changed.

“Although my plans for the future haven’t changed, I believe this brings my affiliation into alignment with how I have led and will continue to lead our City,” he said.

– CNN Ticker Producer Alexander Moone

I guess "unafiliated party" is present day PC speak for Facist regime, well the republican party has just been elevated to "beurocratic mess" status, if they dump Rudy, McCain and Romney, and actually support Ron Paul for once they could even reach the status of "good", or even "possible solution "
I saw on the business channel that it cost $75,000,000-$80,000,000 to get elected President. To a MULTI billionaire that is a drop in the bucket. He spent $25,000,000 of his own money to get elected Mayor. Be afraid of this guy kids. Be VERY VERY afraid.:eek::eek:
Bloomberg started out as a Democrat, couldn't win, switched to Republican and drew in enough votes(and Republican money) to win the mayorship. Now that he's done using Republican money(probably couldn't get any more anyway), he's going to "go it alone". Let's hope he stays that way - alone.

So, yes, good riddance to bad rubbish. He's a user and abuser, only out to fulfill his ambitions.

He might be the only dolt out there worse than Herr Hillery.

saw on the business channel that it cost $75,000,000-$80,000,000 to get elected President.

That doesn't mean you can get elected President just by spending that money. All the losers spend it, too.:)

Be vigilant, but not afraid.

Bloomberg is VERY nearsighted. Guiliani et al at least understand that they need to try to appeal to people outside New York. Bloomberg doesn't really know that there ARE any.
Bloomberg was a lifelong member of the Democratic party who joined the GOP as a flag of convenience and as a shrewd tactical move to obtain the office of Mayor of NYC.

We shouldn't'a let him in in the first place.

Incidentally, he bought the mayorship out of his own pocket, outspending his opponent 5:1.

Mr. Bloomberg's freewheeling question-and-answer session was peppered with the kind of provocative, blunt talk that could appeal to some voters while alienating others. "It's probably because of our bad educational system, but the percentage of people who believe in creationalism is really scary for a country that's going to have to compete in a world where science and medicine require a better understanding," he said in one such foray.

If he runs all the while calling the Christian Right uneducated it should play very well. [/sarcasim]
Don't think it much matter what he does or where he goes. We have enough just plain sorry people in this Country today to put Hillary in the office of president.
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