Bloomberg's choice, Rep. Kelly wins House seat

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Oct 21, 2005

Well, this can only be bad for the 2nd Amendment. It shows Bloomberg's money can sway elections and questions the ability of the NRA to punish politicians who are for gun control.

Gun control supporter wins Chicago House primary

CHICAGO | Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:14pm EST

CHICAGO (Reuters) - Former Illinois state Representative Robin Kelly, a supporter of tighter gun control laws, won the Democratic primary for the U.S. House seat vacated by indicted former Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr, Chicago's WGN television projected on Tuesday.

The outcome was a victory for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who poured more than $2 million from his political war chest into the race to advocate for tighter gun controls in the wake of the Connecticut school shooting last December.

Jackson resigned from the seat last November citing health concerns. He pleaded guilty last week in federal court to using campaign funds for personal enrichment.
What are you talking about? Districts with lopsided demographics like that always elect a gun-grabbing, jack-booted Democrat. The same folks voted for Jesse Jackson Jr, who will be headed to prison shortly. He seems to have represented his electorate a little too closely.
No, that is bad news. Her opponent, who led in late polling, had an "A" rating from the NRA. There was a chance to flip a seat to a pro-2A status by changing the Democratic nominee.

This is very unfortunate, because Bloomberg and others of similar mind and means will try to purge the Democratic party of pro-gun reps in 2014.
Remember that's the place of the 100% (and by that I mean NOT A SINGLE 'other' vote cast) Democrat districts... OH, and the home of if you can vote one, vote 8 times 'just to make sure'....
Many of you are missing the point.

Bloomberg spent millions in a PRIMARY fight to make certain that a strongly Anti politician beat the neutral to pro 2A politician of the SAME PARTY. This is a clear instance of a lot of money being spent to put an Anti into office because they were Anti.
In her win speech she did a good job of blaming all crime on the NRA
If she said anything about Chicago crime I missed it.
I don't know that the lone white, pro-gun Dem candidate running for Jesse Jackson Jr.'s old seat getting beat proves that Bloomberg's money can sway elections. Especially when the ultimate winner had the support of every Chicago area politician and Obama ally.

It does show Bloomberg is willing to spend $2.1 million in a race where most candidates are spending $50k or less to make sure that a Dem candidate who supported registration and UBC but questioned the efficacy of bans loses. Think about that for a second.

Personally, I think the election is a perfect example of why Bloomberg's strategy is unsustainable and unwise, as well as harmful to the Democratic party. If Bloomberg plans to spend $2 million in every primary where someone shows only mild enthusiasm for gun control or even actually supports gun ownership, he is going to spend $440 million just to primary the 220 NRA A-rated House members (never mind the hundreds more like Halvorson who aren't A-rated) - and even with that kind of horsepower, he will lose a lot of those.
I don't know that the lone white, pro-gun Dem candidate running for Jesse Jackson Jr.'s old seat getting beat proves that Bloomberg's money can sway elections. Especially when the ultimate winner had the support of every Chicago area politician and Obama ally.

It does show Bloomberg is willing to spend $2.1 million in a race where most candidates are spending $50k or less to make sure that a Dem candidate who supported registration and UBC but questioned the efficacy of bans loses. Think about that for a second.

Personally, I think the election is a perfect example of why Bloomberg's strategy is unsustainable and unwise, as well as harmful to the Democratic party. If Bloomberg plans to spend $2 million in every primary where someone shows only mild enthusiasm for gun control or even actually supports gun ownership, he is going to spend $440 million just to primary the 220 NRA A-rated House members (never mind the hundreds more like Halvorson who aren't A-rated) - and even with that kind of horsepower, he will lose a lot of those.

Isn't Bloomberg worth at least a billion if not billions?

This kind of money is a drop in the bucket for him. He's already shown he's willing to spend the money. The problem is when he's done being the the mayor of NY he'll put all of his time and money into his anti-gun program.
But does Bloomberg have any powerful investor allies in those primaries (now or in '14) such as George Soros etc?

Aren't other investors' (with similar views) personal funds also available, or do they have motivations to spend extra cash primarily on their
"Media Matters For America" etc?
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You don't become a billionaire by giving away money. And while Bloomberg's total assets are valued at $24 billion, I doubt even he can afford to spend $2.1 million on every candidate who doesn't support gun and magazine bans. You are talking a billion dollars right there. He would either have to dig deep into his cash reserves or start selling assets. Not to mention that in many places having Michael Bloomberg complain you won't ban guns is about the best political advertising you could get.

I mean he just spent $2.1 million to win a Democratic primary for Jesse Jackson Jr.'s old seat. It isn't like he was preventing Ted Nugent from winning it. Halvorson supported gun registration even. Bloomberg is just trying to scare politicians who know they can't compete with that cash tidal wave into supporting more gun control than they or their constituents want.

However, Bloomberg did make it very clear that if you aren't willing to ban guns and magazines, he'll spend millions to defeat you. Take note - all that business about "reasonable regulations" is a smokescreen. Bloomberg spent $2.1 million to defeat a candidate who supported universal background checks and registration just because she wouldn't support gun and magazine bans. He doesn't want you armed, period. He has given as clear a sign as possible where he plans to take this and what his intentions with MAIG are.
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Remember, here is what Bloomgerg really wants: Power, and his money is the means to that end. He will be willing to spend a lot of money to achieve power, because he will always have enough $. He could spend half his fortune because in the mind of a power hungry nut job like that, 12 billion is enough money, as long as he used another 12 bil for POWER. That's his real goal.
You guys from out of state don't understand Illinois politics. This was a foregone conclusion. The Chicago machine dictated the results of the election within days of Jackson's resignation from the House.

Bloomberg spent the money to buy press coverage like the USA Today article. There are NO contested elections in the Chicago area. The party chooses the candidates and picks the winners in sham elections just like the ones in the old USSR.
I used to live in northern Illinois, and there are NO real elections in the city of Chicago. They are all controlled by the Democratic machine. The candidate backed by it could be a dope smoking child molester who embezzled money from a charity and would still win.
My daughter lived in Chicago for 3 years. She got her eyes opened when she voted in her first primary. She had to ask for a republican ballot because she wasn't offered a choice and the election judge actually laughed at her and said loud enough for everyone else in the room to hear "Do we even HAVE a republican ballot?!?!"
Har har, everyone laughed election judges and all but she stood her ground and they managed to produce a republican ballot from somewhere. Daughter was embarrassed and mad and swore she would never vote in another primary in Chicago.
Chicago is beyond redemption. The city birthed the career of the POTUS and until his momentum is reversed, its direction will continue its trajectory.

This election has effects that are far bigger than just Illinois.

The anti's will use this win to say that the public wants anti-2nd Amendment folks, that voting against gun rights is no longer a career ender and that the NRA has lost it's power, and that Bloomberg has the money to effect elections wherever he so chooses.
The anti's will use this win to say that the public wants anti-2nd Amendment folks, that voting against gun rights is no longer a career ender and that the NRA has lost it's power, and that Bloomberg has the money to effect elections wherever he so chooses.

Which is exactly why Bloomberg got involved. It wasn't about the election at all, Which as I said in my earlier post, was decided before Bloomberg got involved. It was about the press they could get out of it and the potential fundraising opportunities it would open for the antis.
Kelly herself has been quick to say she is NOT Bloomberg's possession. She doesn't seem to like being used as his pawn.

As much as I'm worried about the man's billions being used against us, he's also a HUGE jerk. And while the NRA has its share of jerks, the money comes from millions of voters not from one man. It's a very different dynamic when he gives money even to people on his side of the political spectrum. A lot of politicos want to be friends of gun owners--even the antis--but how many want to be known as Bloomberg's property.
Kelly herself has been quick to say she is NOT Bloomberg's possession. She doesn't seem to like being used as his pawn.

I think she's confused. With such low voter turnout, she can't possibly believe she works for the people.

Turnout at the polls was low, with participating hovering near 10 percent in several areas of the district, according to early estimates. Election officials said the weather might have kept some voters on the fence at home.
The ironic part of this whole, well choreographed, 13% turn out, Kabuki dance, that is all Chicago elections, is that ... all the Dems are screeching about the Citizens United SCOTUS decision and how evil it is to give these "Super Pacs" the ability to contribute to individual candidates.

Remember how much they squealed about the Koch brothers in Wisconsin and daily about Karl Rove and his Super Pac as the font of all that is evil in the world?

Except ... when the Super Pac is anti gun. All of a sudden it's OK to cheer for Bloomie and his one man Super Pac since he's anti gun. Conditional ethics and hypocrisy at it's finest!

In the end it doesn't matter a whole lot, changing one anti gun vote for another in the house.

And FYI, in the fine tradition of that district ...; Jesse Jackson Jr. now a convicted felon and tax cheat, took the seat from Mel Reynolds, a convicted pedophile and wire fraud felon, who took the seat from Gus Savage, covicted felon and racist extraordinaire. Almost as bad as being Illinois Governor!

And ... Robin Kelly has a "head start" with an investigation already underway by the Illinois Inspector General for her use of public time and resources for campaign purposes. I'd look for another resignation in a year or so and another "special election" in the 2nd Illinois district.
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