Blue finish on Taurus

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Mar 23, 2005
In real time
Does anyone have a blued taurus 85 ultra-lite ? if so how is the finish holding up? if you have pics please post.
This is a 1994 model...11 years old.

that looks pretty good. do you carry that gun lot, what type of holster do you have for that gun. the reason i was asking is that the 85 i'm looking at is blued and i would be carrying that gun almost every day in a leather holster, i just did not want my gun looking like crap after a period of time. thanks for the reply and pic, thanks !
The blued finish on my Raging Bull is a very rich, shiny and deep black that has held up to everything I've thrown at it; which includes really, really sweaty hands (which eats up Ruger's SA Revolver color case finish within a matter of hours), left out in humid garage a couple of nights, cylinder face scrubbed with lead away cloth, and general scrubbing with hoppes and other cleaners.

In other words the Taurus blued finish is very pretty and very, very durable in my experience.

My only problem with it is that the finish is so deep and shiny that any grease, oil or hand/finger prints stand out on it like a sore thumb.
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