BOOM! But not gun-related

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2A was "political" when it was first adopted.
May 27, 2006
Useta be that the Colorado School of MInes put on a heck of a fireworks display on their Homecoming Week... which they call "E-Days."

Useta be that they'd have all the Pyros from around the state come in to test out their effects on the E-Day celebration in prep for the 04 Jul holiday, so it was a super-duper display.

I don't know if they still do it that way, but every April I keep my ears open for the delicious concussions and display of many, many photons of varying wavelengths coming from Golden.

For those of you in the Golden area, here's some info on it:

CSMAA Home * Membership * Mines Home * Mines Magazine Fast Forward
E-Days 'Round the World * Events in Your Area * Give On-Line * Oredigger Online
For members only: Online Directory * Job Search *

E-Days Activities
Celebrate E-Days with other Miners in over 50 cities around the world!
April 3, 2008
6:00 p.m. - mixer at (private)
9:00 p.m. - we'll walk to campus to catch the fireworks show

It'll be close to a new moon, with a dark sky, so it ought to be pretty impressive.


Why do people bother posting things like this, when they know they're off topic and just going to get locked? Why not save yourself the trouble, and just post over on APS where it'll be perfectly on-topic and remain open?


Anyway, IBTL.
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