Border patrol petition

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Apr 23, 2007
I don't know if this has been posted, but it ticked me off enough when it happened.

Signers: 12893
Free the Texas Three and Secure our Borders

To President George Bush, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Republican Leader John Boehner, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell:

We, the people of these United States, rightfully petition our President, on behalf of former Border Patrol agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Alonso Compean, and their colleague, former Sheriff’s Deputy Guillermo Hernandez, to commute their sentences.

Further, we ask that Congress insist that the DEA prosecute Mexican national Osvaldo Aldrete-Davila on felony drug distribution charges.

Finally, we demand that Congress and the Bush administration secure our borders.
I signed as well. You know, I remember when this happened I was pretty ticked off as well. I think it's shameful that the border agents were imprisoned for simply doing their jobs.
Yall are kidding right?

Compean and Ramos changed their story over and over, until they came up with something that sounded reasonably plausable. They didnt report the incident, and tried to cover up the discharge of their weapon(s). Just because the guy was trafficking drugs doesnt negate rules on excessive force or deadly force. It was clearly a bad shoot, in my opinion. They were trigger-happy, and they belong in prison... and so does the drug trafficker.
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