Boston issue

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Jan 18, 2005
How long do you suppose it will be before even more gun control is called for because of the Boston bomb incident?

I see the news media has already said it was black powder, then smokeless powder...I don't know if the FBI has even determined what was used, but no doubt the antis will blame us for yet another kook's evil.
not long, i mean where else but the birth states of this country would you expect political attacks on the RKBA? save for Va. and Penna i mean.
Yesterday...2 hours from now ... a week...never?

Why speculate? What's the point?

Most folks are going to have a pretty hard time connecting the dots from a terrorist bombing to gun control for US citizens. If Sandy Hook didn't actually get any federal gun control laws passed, this seems vanishingly unlikely to do so.
Sam, that sandy hook push was on the national level where the lemmings are more watered down. regarding local (state) levels the concentration is higher thus the likelihood of pushing the gun control agenda is higher and more probable of passing. look at colorado and new york. is there anything we can do about it beyond what we're doing? Should we call people and tell them we ALSO oppose gun control proposed in the name of the marathon attack?

Seems like the fight is already upon us. Is there some way to carry the fight further because of or in the face of this?

I don't want to see us give into another bout of "oh they're gonna come for us now!!111!!!" panic and fear-mongering as I don't see what's to be gained by that.
Sam, i agree, the fight is already upon us no matter what the current or next incident is. I was simply responding the the OP's question about speculating how long before another state attacks it's citizen's rights....nothing more than putting in my .02 cents as guessing sooner than later.
something that should be brought out is the 100's of billions wasted on homeland "security". they cannot protect anybody and have to go to the public for help. they should turn in their tanks submarines machine guns grenades drones satellites etc. and the heads of these useless agencies be tried for treason and grand theft
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