Bow/bear hunt on Spirit of the Wild

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May 14, 2003
Waco, TX
Today on Ted Nugent's Spirit of the Wild they were paying tribute on the show to Fred Bear while at the same time Ted's buddy was bow-hunting for black bear. Both featured some exciting footage. Nuge's buddy was hunting in Sasqatchuan <sp?> and he ended up shooting a 500lb+ black bear from a blind at a distance of about 5 ft <!>. More incredible though was the old footage of Fred Bear. It showed him stalking a big-ass Kodiak bear. The bear was at a river and Fred stalked up behind a big boulder and waited. The bear started to walk away on a path that would lead him right past the boulder. When he got there he turned and looked right at Fred Bear who was stock still and the bear kept on walking. This Kodiak was about 20 feet away when Bear stood, drew and fired the arrow perfectly on target. The bear ran for about 100 yards and dropped.

Man! I've never bow hunted but I can't even imagine shooting a Kodiak at only 20 feet with a bow and arrow. That would take some confidence and some stones. I'm guessing someone here has probably done similar. Feel free to share your story!

brad cook

That has to be some of the best hunting footage around, I watched it the other night and was utterly dumbfounded again, i've probably seen it a dozen or more times and each time it impresses me more. I grew up in a bowhunting family and strayed over time to start rifle hunting, but I can still remember my dad when I was a kid telling me if I was looking for people to look up to to look at Fred Bear. I read everything about him I could as a youngster and maybe finally it came back to settle, I never hauled a rifle to the deer woods this year.

I've never done it, never had the chance to go chase big bears, but maybe someday.

I did take my 5yr old out last night bowhunting and we stillhunted a creek bottom and got within 5yds of some hogs. That was pretty interesting and I was so proud of her I could bust. I told her when we got to the truck that daddy had some friends his age who couldn't walk that quietly in the woods and I sure was proud of her. Then we get home and turn on the tv and what is on but Fred Bear hunting Grizzly, it was pretty neat.
Fred Bear,

He was a true giant, a man among men...

Ted Nugent is one of the best friends we as hunters can have. He is truely a shining star among the morase and slime which inhabit our planet today.
I read an account of Fred Bear hunting Cape Buffalo with a bow. :eek:

As for Ted Nugent, he has kind of a weird, goofy speaking style. Once you get past that, I agree that he is a tireless supporter and promoter of hunting. I like his music, too. I'll be seeing him and Toby Keith later this month.

I didn't mean that at all. NO, I was just trying to comunicate the fact that he hunted a heck of a lot more dangerous game species than just buff.
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