Brady Campaign will help you reach legislators to stop gun laws

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Mar 14, 2006
Madison, WI
Hello everyone,

The Brady Campaign is offering to email the President, the Speaker, the Majority Leader, as well as your U.S. Senators and Representative. Just follow the link below, type in the message that you want sent, and they'll do the emailing. Pretty slick, if you ask me. You might want to uncheck the "remember me" box at the bottom, though.

It gives Brady your name and email address, but isn't it nice to know what you're working against? Unless I'm missing something that makes this a bad idea :confused:
Yeah, I just got my email from them and used their link to send a very strong pro-gun message.

Don't forget to modify the subject line that they put in for you.
Pro gun people have so completely destroyed every web based thing they've done that I'm sure that either they screen these and delete the pro gun messages, or they simply strip ALL the messages out and put their own form letter in (so it'll look like YOU support gun control too).
I just used it to send this . . . .

I am deeply saddened by the tragedy at Virginia Tech. It is much too difficult for good law abiding people to keep and bare arms against the evil few in our population. Criminals don't obey the "Gun Free Zone" laws politicians pass to make themselves feel good and get re-elected. We might as well call them "Defenseless Sheep Slaughter Zones" Law abiding citizens should be able to keep and bare arms without undue restrictions from the local, state and federal governments of our fine country.

It is time for you to take steps to end violence from the criminal element and pass less restrictive gun gun laws so our citizens are not forced to rely on police more concerned with their own safety than the publics for protection.

I support the revocation of any gun laws that impinge my ability to protect myself, my family and my fellow citizens from the criminal element.

I will do my part to protect myself and my fellow citizens, will you?
I just got my email from, with the same message.

Of course, there was a "donate now" link prominently displayed. Who says crime doesn't pay?
I used the form to contact my legislators.... silly Sarah Brady, giving me tools with which to fight her evil crusade to make me a sheep. BAAAAAAAAADDD Sarah Brady! :neener:

I have seen some interesting repercussions from this. Had an environmental science prof. come out and say that Ak-47's are tools of terrorists. At which point I blurted out: "Gee, that's funny, because I own an ak47 and I'm no terrorist." Another guy sitting next to me agreed, mentioning that he too owns an AK. I then proceeded to educate the professor on CCL and how we are here to protect him, not hurt him. I think I may have convinced him!
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