URGENT: MI Castle Doctrine Bill Needs Your Help - Bradys At Work!

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Nov 3, 2003
URGENT: MI Castle Doctrine Bill Needs Your Help - Bradys At Work!


Dear SAFR Member:

Michigan House Bill 5143 goes before committee Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and is expected to be voted by the following week.

The Brady Campaign has sent over 400 letters to legislators telling them this bill is bad for Michigan. They need to hear from you that this is good legislation. It has broad, bi-partisan support and can be sitting on the Governor’s desk if we let them know how important it is.

Please WRITE LETTERS. Phone calls are not that helpful because they can’t be carried to committee hearings. Emails will work, but the best thing is to hand write a letter. These cannot be deleted like email can. Either mail the letters or fax them, but get them out NOW so they reach in time. Write to both your Representative and Senator.

To write to the House:

Box 30014
Lansing, MI 48909-7514

To write to the Senate:

Box 30036
Lansing, MI 48909-7536


Please forward this information on to as many people as you can, as we need to get a much more powerful response than the Brady Campaign did.

Just so you understand what this means, the committee has a stack of 400 letters that have to go to the hearing with them next week. Picture a stack of 400 handwritten letters.

We need a bigger pile. So, please, if you need a hand with this, I can provide a sample or something you can copy and paste..whatever it takes..we need this to pass and if we get this through committee and on the floor, I'm certain it will pass. It has support all over the spectrum.

But 400 letters is a big pile of constituents, too.
400 letters is the definition of giving up! These leftists should be sued by more than 400 people each year for violations of constitutional rights. Use the Kelo precedent to take all their posessions to protect freedom (it IS in the public good that socialists and communists get the treatment intended for "lesser biologigal matter"). Flip them the finger when they are begging with a fake sign at the street corner. They have historically shown no mercy.
Its tough to get people to write letters, let alone take the day off work to fight a Revolution, so how bout we start with this? :)
Also, if you don't think you're Rep or Senator will forward the letter (those of you in WaCo especially!) then send it to either Rep. Rick Jones or to Chair of the House Judiciary Committee Representative Van Regenmorter and they'll get it where it needs to be.
Sounds like things got..um..interesting. Still waiting for details but they ended up adjourning the hearing. I couldn't make it because of a death in the family and an out of town business trip, but I'll let you know as soon as I can.
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