Brady: College may face legal problems if allow CCW

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Dec 31, 2003
Somewhere in Monkey County, MD
Since I can't visit the Brady page while at work, here is a link to an article followed by a link to the Brady report "No Gun Left Behind":

(Chronicle of Higher Education Blog)

May 22, 2007

College May Face Legal Problems if They Allow Guns on Campuses, Report Says

A new report from the Brady Campaign to Combat Gun Violence says colleges may have legal problems if they allow students to carry weapons on their campuses.

Courts have long recognized an obligation by colleges and schools to provide a “safe environment” for students. Courts have found, in many previous cases, that colleges were liable in attacks that occurred on campuses.

Some gun advocates have proposed, in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings in April, that students be allowed to carry guns and that teachers be armed, as well, in order to thwart would-be killers. Some of those gun proponents have cited the example of a student at the University of Idaho who used his pistol to challenge a deranged gunman last Saturday.

The Brady Campaign’s report argues that such policies would make campuses less safe, not safer, and would be likely to lead to more violence by young people already prone to impulsive acts and substance abuse. —Martin Van Der Werf

Posted on Tuesday May 22, 2007 | Permalink |

Brady report:

Not having read the Brady report, I am still confident to say the following:

This is the same nonsense they pulled when claiming that allowing employees to CCW was a “legal problem.”

Their report on workplace CCW blithely claimed that the chance of a violent attack on employees at work was too remote to be “foreseeable,” and therefore the employer couldn’t be held liable for failing to protect against it OR for refusing to allow CCW so the individual could protect against it.

BUT at the same time, a CCW’ing employee going nuts WAS “obviously foreseeable” and therefore it would be “reckless” to allow CCW on company property.

A halfway competent expert criminologist or statistician witness testifying on the CCW holders' overwhelming law-abiding nature should kill this nonsense off in court.
The Brady Campaign’s report argues that such policies would make campuses less safe, not safer, and would be likely to lead to more violence by young people already prone to impulsive acts and substance abuse. —Martin Van Der Werf

Because campuses are just so safe right now?
The Brady Campaign’s report argues that such policies would make campuses less safe, not safer, and would be likely to lead to more violence by young people already prone to impulsive acts and substance abuse. —Martin Van Der Werf
When it comes to CCW, that is Brady's "Big Lie" and they repeat it often.

They simply can NOT make the distinction between good people and bad ... ANYONE with a gun will become bad because guns are magic talismans that take over the mind of their bearer. :rolleyes:

Also this goes in line with the left's mantra; You can't trust the common man.
Justin, when I was in undergrad we shot under the Student Union.:D

Only cardboard and paper run in the streets. Well, blood did run but that was only when the Kuwaiti kid got the web of his hand caught in his blinged-out M9.:p

So, they are worried that universities will be held liable if good guys carry guns on campus? How many attacks have colleges in Utah endured?

Will the Brady Campaign lobby to have males excluded from campus for fear of rape?
Im not sure why Ive always been lied to about people only being smart or successful if they go to college. I love how the brady campaign says college students are prone to spontaneous actions and substance abuse. Its nice to see how highly they think of college students. What do they think about the people who dont go to college? surely those lesser people couldnt be trusted with a firearm either:barf:
How many attacks have colleges in Utah endured?

El Tejon, come on we all know that Utah is the only exception to the rule.:neener: All other states would have mass shootings because Joe Blow just doesn't know how to handle the responsibility of carrying a firearm.:barf:
One would think that the opposite would be more true, for by denying students who would otherwise be legally able to own and carry firearms for self-defense, the school thus incurs the liability for any failures to protect the individual. Unlike the government, private schools would have no immunity from such a lawsuit when they fail to protect students.
The REGISTRAR office will never be the once happy place it was. Seriously though, what legal precedent would the Brady bunch or any organization have in challenging a states decisions to allow CCW on campuses?
"Will the Brady Campaign lobby to have males excluded from campus for fear of rape?"

We gotta get rid of the women too, they're equiped for and capable of prostitution! THAT oughta keep the campus safe!

When it comes to CCW, that is Brady's "Big Lie" and they repeat it often.

They simply can NOT make the distinction between good people and bad ... ANYONE with a gun will become bad because guns are magic talismans that take over the mind of their bearer.

Also this goes in line with the left's mantra; You can't trust the common man.

The usual confusion

therefore it would be “reckless” to allow CCW on company property.

Except that in the case of a nut with a gun, the company has no ABILITY to deny him; they are not in a position to ALLOW anything to a criminal.

Denying & allowing, by definition, apply only to those who follow the rules.
Reminds me

of the Idaho legal opinion used by the sheriffs to refuse permits under the old law. The lieutenant governor's office had handed down an opinion that if a permit holder screwed up, the sheriff who issued would be liable.

In one case - Kootenai County - an aviation deputy was put on staff at $1.00/year so that he could carry concealed. The sheriff was afraid to issue him a permit because of the potential for liability.

Apparently a sheriff is not liable for the actions of his staff. :rolleyes:
This makes me sick. We the citizens of this country are responsible for the lawyers running our lives. People forget that 1994 BC ( before Clinton and the Brady bill) it was legal to keep and bear arms on campus. I did in my car and dorm and never thought anything about it. Our Country is SICK. That is the documentary that needs to be made and called SICKO. It is us. We are the cause.
Sarah and the Sob Sisters aren't from this planet - nothing they say is bound by logic or fact.
How many attacks have colleges in Utah endured?
El Tejon, come on we all know that Utah is the only exception to the rule. All other states would have mass shootings because Joe Blow just doesn't know how to handle the responsibility of carrying a firearm.

Utah and Oregon, you mean. It's against state law to prohibit lawful concealed carry on campus.
Here is what I posted on the Brady Campaign Blog site about this.


Check this news article out guys.

(Quote) Chronicles of Higher Education

News Blog

May 22, 2007

College May Face Legal Problems if They Allow Guns on Campuses, Report Says

A new report from the Brady Campaign to Combat Gun Violence says colleges may have legal problems if they allow students to carry weapons on their campuses.

Courts have long recognized an obligation by colleges and schools to provide a “safe environment” for students. Courts have found, in many previous cases, that colleges were liable in attacks that occurred on campuses.

Some gun advocates have proposed, in the wake of the Virginia Tech shootings in April, that students be allowed to carry guns and that teachers be armed, as well, in order to thwart would-be killers. Some of those gun proponents have cited the example of an armed student at the University of Idaho who was shot by a gunman whom he had sought to challenge last Saturday in an off-campus incident.

The Brady Campaign’s report argues that such policies would make campuses less safe, not safer, and would be likely to lead to more violence by young people already prone to impulsive acts and substance abuse. —Martin Van Der Werf (End Quote)

The Brady’s are an “anti-gun advocates” organization but they are still publishing “reports” as if they are an unbiased research organization. This speaks volumes about their integrity and honesty.

Also, remember when Paul Helmke and Suzanna Hupp were both on The Early Show to debate the gun issue after the VT tragedy? Paul said this when the question of allowing CCW on campuses came up:

(Direct Quote) HELMKE: Well, actually, it’s a legitimate point that’s raised. Part of the thing is, we have politicians who don’t even want to talk about any of these options whether it’s more guns, less guns, tighter controls or not. Most politicians just run away from this issue. And we need to start asking them what their proposals are. And maybe there’s a way to even fit some of these things. Maybe if you’ve got strict licensing and permitting and registration, then you might be able to have more guns. (End Quote)

So who did Paul ‘talk with about this option’ before creating a 54 page research report objecting to this proposed option? Funny, Paul says on April 17th 2007 that there may be a way The Bradys would support allow CCW on campuses but in May 2007 the Bradys released this long 54 page ‘research’ report rejecting this same idea. How did they manage to put together such a thoroughly researched report so fast? Did they start working on it the day after Helmke made the comment above – or maybe even before tragedy to have ‘just in case’?

One thing’s for sure, when the Brady Campaign says they want to have ‘discussion about all available options’ with politicians willing to ‘do something’ rather than run away from the issue, what the Brady Campaign really means is they want politicians to listen to and blindly accept all of their proposals while rejecting all proposals from the other side.

The Brady Campaign only supports “cooperation” when it is the other side giving something up to allow the Brady Campaign to get something they want. Never has the Brady Campaign, in the spirit of cooperation, given anything up themselves.


Sources for above post:

(News Article) l-problems-if-they-allow-guns-on-campuses-report-says

(Brady “Report”) behind.pdf

(Transcript of Paul Helmke and Suzanne Hupp on The Early Show)

What do you guys think?
One point that doesn't get made often enough is that CCW on campus would only be allowed in those states where people, even college students, can get licensed to carry. In these states allowing CCW on campus it is merely giving people that already can legally carry at other places just one more location to exercise this freedom.

We don't see legally licensed armed college aged students shooting up coffee shops, restaurants, shopping centers, movie theaters or any other off campus locations. What reason is there to thing that a legally licensed armed college student, simply by stepping across the university threshold, will all of a sudden become vengeful blood thirsty uncontrollable killers?
It isn't illegal in Oregon to conceal carry on campus, but if you're employed or a student if they catch you they will definitely fire/expel you.
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