Brass Knuckles

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Better save some money for a good lawyer & the bail money if you ever use them for anything besides a paper-weight.

They are illegal almost everywhere.

Now that you know that, try Google.
You will get about 821,000 hits from the Mall-Ninja stores that sell them.

Number 1 a never said i was gonna hit anyone with them

That really doesn't enter into it. They're generally illegal, period.

Hitting someone with almost anything can elevate that object to the status of a "deadly weapon." Metallic knuckles are one of a handful of objects that get to be a "deadly weapon," de facto -- without the added impetus of your violent action needed to increase their "naughtyness."

number 2 they arent for me

Seeing as we don't know you, personally, outside of a screen name on a public forum, the statements given don't really apply to any specific "you". If you, personally, are finding this information for someone else, then consider our suggestions as applying only in general terms to you, personally. Rather, they apply directly to that third party, as yet un-named. So, if you see that other person, on whose behalf you're asking, please tell him or her, for us, that they're illegal. Mmmm'k?

Now that you are aware, and you will undoubtedly share that information with the person you're going to all this trouble for, do as RC said and Google your way to happiness. There are at least 821,001 sites that sell these. Usually they're right next to the blackjacks, saps, and billy clubs. If you scroll down as far as the nunchaku, shuriken, and those orthopedic ninja climbing shoes, you went too far.

Good luck on your quest!


As said, this is automatic proof to law enforcement of malicious intent that will get you busted and hassled bigtime if you are found with them without a premo excuse... theater play, museum, etc. Many options are much better choices just because "no hassle." CF. bar of soap (not detergent bar like Dial, Life boy, Irish Spring, I said "SOAP!") in a sock...

Now if you wish to possess "knucks" for some reason, they are considered alternative weapons and the market is huge. Hit the "martial arts weapons" sites and the "historical weapons" sites. If you have the pull, you can also try the police sites. They still sell this sort of thing to cops and the law exempts them from the prohibitions. Google "nunchakus" (two sticks with string between) or "shuriken" or "throwing stars" or... "sowrd canes" or ??? Shotgun News hard copy used to have ads every month by someone selling them as "paper weights." You could even get "aluminum" knuckles... luck
We're done here.

If you want a weapon, there are lots that won't be nearly as likely to land you in hot water. If you want a paperweight, there are more attractive and cheaper everywhere. If you want a historical curiosity- and can spell historical curiosity- you probably have the intellectual acumen and research skills to find these things. In any case~ asked. Answered. Goodbye.

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