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Jan 3, 2006
The Dark Side of the Moon
Having polished many a belt buckle with Brasso once upon a time, I still have a can on the shelf.

I've contemplated tossing some in my tumbler to see what happens......

Any thoughts out there?

Does Brasso have ammonia in it? that would be a no, no if it does.
Looks like the Brasso stays on the shelf.....I don't polish belt buckles any more:)

shoes, occasionally.....belt buckles....NOT.

Now if I can ever stop checking my "gig line" :rolleyes:

Old habbits die hard.
Yes, ammonia is bad for brass but the hazard in our tumblers is over rated. Ammonia is a liquid cleaner which is added to several polishing products, Brasso being just one. BUT - like almost any other liquid, ammonia will evaporate into a gas. When it evaporates from our media it's gone, because ammonia does not exist as solid.

If Brasso is added to our tumbling media and the tumbler run to mix it well and not stopped until the liquid has completely evaporated it won't harm cases. That may take overnight. I have used Brasso as a media additive and, after drying, it worked well. This can also be done with any of the various auto polishes that contain small amounts of ammonia.

But "gig lines" are eternal. :)
SSN Vet,

A cheaper and better solution for you is a capful of Nu Finish Car polish added to your media. You can pick this up for $4.00 a bottle at your local Dollar General store. I use it with corn cob media, but Idano, whose opinions I respect highly, swears mixing corn cob with walnut media 50/50 and adding the Nu Finish is the perfect tumbling media. He's been reloading enough years to be reasonably sure of his solution.

Save the Brasso for other things, like squaring away those shiney buttons on that old uniform I know you have hanging in the closet. (grin, don't ask how I know)


Now if I can ever stop checking my "gig line"

I know what that is. Does that mean I'm old or do they still use that term?:)
Yep, I still keep and eye on it.
Brass and gig lines...

I use crushed walnut hulls and a small amount of Hoppe's Number 9. It disolves the burn on powder residue and cleans up the cases.

I watched my gig line prior to joining the Marine Corps. I always thought one's shirt and trousers not lining up looked like one couldn't dress one's self.
Save the Brasso for other things, like squaring away those shiney buttons on that old uniform I know you have hanging in the closet.

Actually, it's hanging up in the attic......

My wife will often bemoan that she has never seen me in uniform (aside from photos). MY SDBs were getting tight when I got out.....if I go "modeling" today, those buttons won't be where there supposed to be for long :rolleyes:
Dillon Rapid Polish will clean like Brasso when you put a dab on a rag and rub. It'll also shorten cleaning time by more than 1/2 when you put a capful in your media. It's a little expensive but worth it for cutting tumbling-vibratory time and really shines. Not trying to sell it but I use it and like the results.
From what I have heard Ammonia-Based additives are BAD NEWS to Brass.

They cause a Chemical reaction in brass that eventually causes Brittle cases.
It's just simple chemistry at work....

I haven't used Ammonia-Based products in my tumbler, so naturally I can't prove that it actually causes damage, but..... Why would I want to harm a valuable commodity for no reason when there are other cheap and effective products on the market any way???
I forgot to add that Dillon Rapid Polish contains no ammonia so it will not do any harm to your brass.
I used brasso for many years. No issues. I doubt the very tiny amount of ammonia in it will have any effect whatsoever on your brass.

I put maybe a half a teaspoon in, mostly for the grit whit is what actually does the polishing.

I have since gone to Dillon polish, but that just sort of happened.
There has been many threads on the various firearm forums discussing the affects of amonia containing products on brass cases.

While it's true the amonia will adversely affect brass, the concentration of amonia in products like Brasso is so small, and the actual amount of contact with the brass is so short in the normal case tumbling cleaning process, that it would be nealy impossible for it to have any affect on your cases.

The one reply that I have printed out somewhere went through it in great scientific detail, and pretty much settled in for me that using polish to clean my brass, even if it contained amonia, would be okay.

My 2 cans of Brasso makes no mention of it's make-up, but I thought that Brasso was one of the few metal polishes that didn't contain amonia.
I have been tumbling with brasso for 2+ years. Load 17 Rem, 204, 223, 243, 6.5x55, 270, 7.5x55, 357 mag, & 44 mag problems so far.

Of note, when I add the half ounce to the corn....I let it tumble without brass, with the lid off...for an hour or so....if there is any amonia, it evaporates off.
Don't use "Brasso" we've heard that forever right?

I just happen to have media that really needs to be replaced and this store I was in is going out of bus. so I seen the 4 bottles of Brasso going for $2ea. I figured what the heck it's cheap I'm cheap and the media should be thrown away. I bought and used a big ol'gurgle into my big Dillon tumbler with the blackish walnut media.

I then let it mix well and threw in some nasty range pickup brass for about an hour and man alive that is the shine we want !!! It's almost unbelievable it works so well. I figured I'd see what happened cuz like I say we've been warned ha-ha.

my .02$ and thats all
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