Brazilian Police shootout video

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Considering the shooting technique of the guy to the immediate left and closest to the video camera (firing his pistol one handed without using the sights at an extremely odd angle that almost looks like he's firing at the dirt with his eyes closed), it's really little wonder.

If anyone actually gets hit, it's just due to the law of averages that says if you point in the general direction of someone that you're trying to shoot, then you have to get lucky at some point and hit something. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. I guess it just wasn't the Brazilizn cops time of day for that particular shootout.
On the plus side, that cop on the left looks pretty "gangsta" shooting with one hand. :rolleyes:
Is it me, or is the guy on the immediate left front on a rooftop, shooting down? Makes sense. Then again, I've never been to brazil like the rest of yuns, I dunno how their towns are laid out either :rolleyes:
American law-enforcement is pretty restrained compared to other police around the globe. I remember watching COPS in Russia where this undercover cop karate kicked a suspect right in the face when everything went down. You could actually see the guys head snap back from the impact.
Practically the Wild West down there in Brazil. Interesting comment by the officer at the end. Considering the poverty, it's no surprise that people resort to drug trafficking to make a living.
It's ugly in the favelas. There are millions of people piled high along the hillsides surrounding Rio. Rio has about 6 million people - the shanty towns around it hold another 6 million. The drug gangs often are better armed than the police, and life is cheap there. When I worked there for a short time, I much preferred other areas of Brazil where I didn't have to fear for my life when I walked the streets.
After strong rains, some of the favelas literally become part of landslides and many hundreds are killed as the poorly constructed houses collapse and are swept away.
In Brazil there are two types of police. The Policia Civil (civilian police) which are poorly trained, poorly equipped, poorly paid, and totally not respected. Then there's the Policia Militar (military police) which are also not very well paid, but are better trained and much better equipped. The reality is that the civilian police really are a joke, unfortunately, and their performance in this video really is no surprise.
Bum ba bum bummm....

Anyone else getting A-Team flashbacks? Tons of shooting, no injuries, everything ends up juuust fiiine:rolleyes:
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