"Breeding" our freedoms?

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Jan 21, 2004
Oregon, in the Willamette Valley
Before y'all shoot me down on this, really stop and think about it. It could be I'm just slap-happy from the latest injustices forced upon us by our "masters". but just maybe, I have a halfway decent idea.

See, freedom loving people are outnumbered these days. I used to think it was just a matter of voting, getting the word out, etc. I've realized that isn't it at all. we are simply outnumbered. So many people who claim to be freedom minded simply aren't. Like the rest of america, they want something for nothing. You ask for help with things like publicity campaigns, flier distribution, even letter writing, and so many can't be bothered. I've seen this on the net, and in life outside the net. Lots of folks have excuses, but what it boils down to is, most folks can't be bothered. We are outnumbered, from what I've seen, perhaps 10 to 1.
I think we may have a chance. The day to day folks who wander along with the herd, so to speak, don't seem to breed like conservatives and libertarians do, especially the folks who live in big cities. Whether it's the career oriented lifestyles, or that they feel they are alleviating overpopulation by having a small family, I don't know. But it seems to be the trend among liberals especially.
Here's what I propose. Simple, really. Would it be possible to turn America around within 30 years by "breeding"? I'm not proposing some selective breeding program, mind you, simply this. Those of us who believe in freedom each endeavor to raise as many children as we can. Whether they be our own bloodline, or adopted. I think four each is a good goal. We make a concious effort to raise those children with the values this nation was based on. Namely, freedom and liberty. We teach them to shoot, we teach them the Constituion, and what came before.
I think our next generation of politicians would have a shocking surprise awaiting them, one way or another.
Bear in mind, my toungue is slightly in cheek on this.
What do you think?
So libertarianism is a genetic trait? You should meet my dad ;) Seriously though, there is no guarantee that your kids will grow up in your mold. Liberty spreads through strong and well-spoken advocacy.
So libertarianism is a genetic trait? You should meet my dad Seriously though, there is no guarantee that your kids will grow up in your mold. Liberty spreads through strong and well-spoken advocacy.

Well, exactly. Thus my statement to
We make a concious effort to raise those children with the values this nation was based on. Namely, freedom and liberty. We teach them to shoot, we teach them the Constituion, and what came before.

Children don't spring from the womb waving an American flag and spouting the words of the founders. They have to learn, with means someone or someting is teaching them. This is my point. In the early years old child raising, a child is much more open to ideas and readily absorbs teaching. I we raise our children with the ideal of liberty, in most cases it will take hold. Most people ( notice I said most) tend to follow whatever path their parents have taken, because that is what they were taught. Children are molded by their environment, to a certain extent.
Youre confusing cultural and genetic heredity.

Raising your children a certain way is different from your children being a certain way because they are biologically related to you. Adopoted children turn out to be culturally similar to their parents. Children raised by the government turn out to have pro-government views (another reason we need to destroy public education in this country). But children arent born with the ingreedients necessary to defend liberty. They learn servitude just as easily.

You are still right that having lots of children and raising them to be libertarians is a good long term goal.
Youre confusing cultural and genetic heredity. Raising your children a certain way is different from your children being a certain way because they are biologically related to you.
I thought it was obvious I was joking, but I put in a smiley just in case. I guess I need to surround jokes with giant 24-point flashing banners.
Adopoted children turn out to be culturally similar to their parents.
Untrue generalization.
Children raised by the government turn out to have pro-government views
Also an untrue generalization.
(another reason we need to destroy public education in this country). But children arent born with the ingreedients necessary to defend liberty. They learn servitude just as easily.
Yep, and you can provide the same ingredients to other people too, just by advocating, writing letters to the editor, volunteering, giving speeches and so on. I guess what I'm trying to get across is that breeding is just a special case of advocacy.
I was responding to the original poster, but yeah I realize that obviously people are more than the sum of their education and genetics. Free will and all.

That being said, if you can control the ideas that someone is exposed to, you can greatly control the political views they develop. Of course, once you lose control of that information, you lose control of them. Hence the rebelliousness of young adults.

Once children are taught to read and think for themselves, it is only a matter of time before they begin to disagree with you.
...(pant pant) whew- did someone say breeding? (wheeze) Am I too late? I ran all the way here as soon as I heard! (huff)...

Value replication is the name of the game, whether by DNA, education, or propaganda. But technology offsets "numbers."

Wars have a nasty but effective way of dealing with the underlying issues you are pointing at.
I was reading Atlas Shrugged a few minutes ago, and it occurred to me that maybe it is better to bring the mexicans here than put our equipment and factories in Mexico where they can be stolen.
My grandparents loved and served their country. My parents don't care about anything as long as they are left alone. I love my country and after a wedding plan on serving it. My brother hangs a upside down American flag in his room and writes racist facist pigs on it, and worships Moore. Breeding isn't the solution, education is.
Yeah I definitely plan to reproduce, but I dont have any really great prospects at the moment.

Finding women of intellect and character is almost as difficult as finding men of intellect and character.
I thought you guys (in general) didn't like living around a lot of people. Wouldn't increasing the population be counter-productive to Libertarianism?
I would happily live on an earth packed full with the philosophical bretheren of Thomas Jefferson and Ron Paul.

I think this is a good plan. All I need now is a woman with the will and the anatomical fortitude to bear me a dozen children.
Experience, rather than genetics, determines consciousness. Therefore, anyone can be converted. Therefore individual procreation is not a necessary condition for the purpose.

Human perception is relative. When nobody dies, even one death seems a tragedy. When thousands die, only the death of hundreds of thousands elicits a reaction, etc. Hence, liberal treehuggers and bleeding hearts will become irrelevant as casualties mount and destruction spreads. Thus, in a sense, their current presence should be viewed as reassuring that things are still very peachy. Liberal pacifism and religious fantasy are luxuries we can still afford. Rejoice! :)
Actually overpopulation is the easiest problem in the world to solve. When it gets too bad, my gun owning descendents can butcher the descendents of the socialists and tree huggers. (I would include the gay rights activists, but they wont have descendents)

The question is not whether there will be bloodshed and deprivation in times of overcrowding, but who will live to write the history of it. If filling the world with my brats is what it takes, then so be it. It's not like I am asking the taxpayer to support them, is it?
My personal suspicion is that if you ignore the ones that are here for handouts, many of the mexicans that come here are actually integrating very well and quickly rise to middle class status. If it werent for the drain on the taxpayer imposed by the socialists running our country, I would tell them to send all the mexicans they can spare. Let the best amongst them thrive and the rest can either flee or starve.

Or try climbing through my bedroom window, which is pretty much the same as starving, only faster and louder.

The truth is that many mexicans are coming here to make money by performing work for a mutually satisfactory price, which is the very essence of positive economic activity. The only problem is that the low wages being paid to the mexicans are only possible because they are getting food stamps and free school and medicine from our pockets. In essense, it is a theft from our pockets to the pockets of those hiring the mexicans. And theft is wrong, even when the government does it.
The answer is home-schooling. Libertarians are huge advocates of it. You'd be shocked to learn how the absolute most subtle things in school are geared towards making kids government loving, anti-liberty freaks. And they don't even know it.

The key to the governments success over the years has been public schools. From the beginning they institutes the Prussian model for education, which isn't about education and free thinking, but rather how to institutionalize and make people compliant.

Add this to the massive censorship and selective historical education of our OWN nations history, and you have a dumbed down society that doesn't care, in fact, it isn't just the not-caring, but they actually APPROVE of how they are.
To clarify my comments (not that anyone asked me to :) ). I come by my knowledge of Libertarians through the social side by listening to proponents, and reading stuff. (A lot of Heinlein and L. Neil Smith included in that.)

And it seems to me that the "ideal" Libertarian utopia always has to stand in opposition (or just apart) from a larger non-Libertarian group. I've never heard a lot about a totally Libertarian society. Because, where are you going to put the people who aren't ideologically "pure"? There'd be no place for exile.

Which is what kind of confuses me about this talk of number superiority.
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