Bridge fence messages with cups, is it littering?

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Jun 23, 2004
Under tyranny in MD
Driving home today, I thought how it'd be interesting to post a couple of pro-RKBA messages on the bridges along I-270 (maryland). If passing police officers got interested, would this be considered littering, or label me a domestic terrorist of some sort (messages like "Right to Keep and Bear Arms," "Defend the constitution," and the one made classic by the bumper sticker "Politicians love gun control" with the accompanying sickle and hammer and swastika)? Bad idea overall? Input please.
If you can get away with it - yes IMO, but drop the last one. Keep the high road.

Actually, what might be a great thing to do is to mimic the old Burma Shave signs. You'd have to have a poet among your troops (which, if you used the Burma Shave thing, you'd have to have help - thus "troops").

after 9-11-01

Folks were putting flags on bridges here in PRK,after awhile anti war banners were also being hung. State workers started taking down the anti banners and left the flags up and the lefties filed a lawsuit-now there are no flags or banners.
Are other folks using cups to put messages up? if so you have a good defense if you're caught.
Post some pics afterward!
Some teenie bopper idiot put up "i love marlis" on one of the overpasses, where the cup idea came from, just seems a lot easier than huge tarps.
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