Broke my SP-101!

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The Ruger extractor rod doesn't unscrew and back out, and suggestions about removing the sideplate can be ignored as there isn't one.

Don't you have to love suggestions from folks who have no idea what they are talking about?

Many people overlook cleaning UNDER the extractor star, which is what I was suggesting as a possible cause. The OP still hasn't given many specifics, so we are still left to speculate.

He was using reloads which may not have been burning all the powder. Even if he cleaned under the extractor before the range session, I've seen more than one gun's cylinder suddenly become hard to close after a reload due to unburnt powder landing on the underside of the extractor during ejection. This is why it matters what shot it happened on. If the first after a reload, check under the extractor. If it was shot 2, 3, 4 or 5, then it's something else.
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Jim K said:
The Ruger extractor rod doesn't unscrew and back out, and suggestions about removing the sideplate can be ignored as there isn't one.

Don't you have to love suggestions from folks who have no idea what they are talking about?


I noticed that earlier but didn't want to pick a fight. I've been trying to behave more lately.
hey, if had to stick to what I know, I would be limited to reading only, zero posts !
(yeah, yeah, I know, but it's way too late for that now)

Mr Keenan is quite correct, of course, and his comment was not inappropriate

but I do own a SP101, and know it's different than a S&W or Security Six, and no, it doesn't just "unscrew" itself, never have seen an ejector rod "backed out" on one, never even heard of an SP or GP doing that, but if a revolver cylinder tried to "lock up" on me, any revolver, any design, I would clean/lube the gun and look at it anyway, along with looking for such things as crud under the star, because it's easy to look at, so I would do that before taking sideplates off and such... if it has a sideplate to take off

old habits don't always yield results, but they are free, no postage required

me, if I cannot identify the problem without stripping down to the innards, I will send it to the folks who made it.. (unless I mebbe could talk a Fuff or Keenan or 1911 Tuner et. al. into a free inspection & fix)

if clean, lube, flush, airblast, and visual/feel inspection don't get it done, the factory will get it done better than me; I don't smith 'em, I just shoot 'em and enjoy 'em

"hell, it's getting to where I can't even stay on a horse"

be well, shoot well, and be safe
no offense taken, nor any intended
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