Brommeland Max-Con V

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Jan 8, 2004
I haven't seen much chatter here about this product, so I thought I might provide some free info.

Through numerous recommendations at other sites, I found Gary Brommeland. I have been carrying my Gov't model daily for the last six months or so in a semi-custom IWB. I thought I had it good... In early May, I ordered myself a birthday present. Two days ago, it came.

I had no idea what I was missing. After working the gun in and out of the holster a couple times, I tried it on. FAN-TASTIC!!! The broad footprint of the holster spreads out the load of my heavy gun, and makes for an incredibly stable platform. The grip tucks very tightly to my body. This is an unbelievably concealable package for such a large weapon.

The fit, finish and detail are second to none that I have seen. The slide, ejection port and trigger guard are all detail-boned (?) to perfection, and there's not a blemish to be found. The weapon slides into the holster smoothly and seats with a reassuring *pop*. Retention is strong, but not so much that it hinders a smooth draw. Once the details of the ejection port, trigger guard and (I think) the slide-lock "nubbie" have cleared their respective places with an initial *pop*, the weapon easily clears leather with no further resistance.

The Magpouch is equally satisfying. My interaction with Gary has been nothing short of pleasureable. He was always pleasant, patient, and didn't heap unsolicited advice on me, even though it must have been fairly obvious that I'm more or less a rookie in this game.

Well, by now you can tell that I have nothing but good things to say about my experience. I have paid Gary for my product, but I found it such a value that I can't help but share. Call Gary, get in line, pay your dough, and ENJOY- I know I am!!!
As soon

as I get my belt from Gary I am ordering a Max-Con V for my Glock 23. I have a real good feeling about how this craftsman gos about his work.
Gary gets talked about alot more on 1911 Forums, and he's a great guy and a super holster maker. I carry in a rig of his and am waiting on a Max Con VI.
1911 Forum

I am surprised it get posted on 1911 Forum seeing it's controled by two other{ I will leave unnamed} holsterers.
I am surprised it get posted on 1911 Forum seeing it's controled by two other{ I will leave unnamed} holsterers.

I assume that you are refering to myself and my good friend Lou Alessi in the above statement. I would like to see you reference one instance where either of us interjected, or edited a post that promoted one of our competitors product? You can't, because if you bothered to research any of the material included the holster and accessorie category of the 1911 forum, you would find that just about everybody in the industry has been reviewed by members at one time or another. In fact there have been numerous occasions on the 1911forum, where both Lou and I have bestowed accolades on other makers work!

This is just another case of you're sticking your foot in your mouth once again, to which you seem to have a propensity of doing on a regular basis.

Perhaps you may want to make a visit to the Brommeland website and click on the testimonials page. Scroll down and you will see a glowing review of Brommeland leather done by none other than Lou Alessi himself! Really sounds like a guy that would "control" the content of a flattering post that benefits another maker doesn't it. :rolleyes:

I'm sure Gary will really appreciate your well-thought-out evaluation of his friend, Lou. :rolleyes:

Tony Kanaley / Milt Sparks Holsters
I am surprised it get posted on 1911 Forum seeing it's controled by two other{ I will leave unnamed} holsterers.


Tony and Lou are two of the nicest, most generous guys you'd ever want to meet, and both of them bend over backwards to treat other holster makers with the utmost respect. There are continual posts by other leather and kydex manufacturers in the 1911 Holster forum, it's by no means one sided towards Sparks or Alessi, other than the fact that they both get plenty of praise and recognition (as does Brommeland) by the members of the forum.

I challenge you to find one post by either of them, either on 1911 Forums, or any other forum that they post at, that shows them saying anything less than complementary about their fellow holster makers.
This industry is really competitive in that we all try to constantly improve the performance of our products. We do this in order to give our customers the best possible "edge" in a self defense situation.
However, this "competitiveness" does not result in any hostility toward other makers. We tend to cooperate with one another, and many of us are indeed friends.
For example, Tony Kanaley has very graciously shared several sources of materials and specialty tools with me over the years.
Josh Bulman has shared a few "tricks of the trade", along with sources of materials.
I refer to Lou Alessi as my "holster daddy" - many years ago he "took me under his wing" and continues to do so today. That man means more to me than my own father. I cannot begin to count the number of hours he has spent on the phone with me - sharing design ideas, manufacturing techniques, sources for materials (and his slightly demented sense of humor !). He's even diagnosed a machinery problem or two. (He's also called me a dumb-ass a few times, too when I've done something stupid. . :D )
I, in turn, have become a mentor to a newbie holster-pup by the name of Eric Larsen. He's got talent and the desire to become a world-class holstermaker. I'm sure that he'll make it, too - the kid learns really fast. He just needs someone to "show him the ropes", just like Lou did for me about 15 or so years ago.
What I'm trying to say here is that while we are competitors, we also try to work together for the common good of the industry. There's enough work to go around, and we (both makers and customers) benefit from this mutual cooperation. As we share ideas and sources, the overall quality of everyone's work improves and the customer then has a better selection of (higher performance ) equipment than would otherwise be possible. In the end, everyone is better off this way.
'Sorry for the long post, but I did want to clear up any potential misunderstanding. The folks at 1911 have always treated me great, and that is all I could ask for. Thanks!
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Where did I post the name of any holster Mfg? NUMBER TWO As for Tony Kanaley and Milt Sparks Holster I could care less what you think about my posts you make good holsters and if I want one I will order it. NUMBER THREE As for the 1911 Forum it's just another gun forum along with many others. I do think it's run by a bunch of nit pickers and is has just two many moderators who are way to quick to try controlling the threads. But thats just my opinion. NUMBER FOUR As for any other holster Mfg. my advice is to get to working and take care of your customer orders and don't worry about what people post in the forums. Worry about them your customers dropping dead before you can get their order made and their credit cards charged.
I have GOTTA jump in on this one...It is kinda rambling but bear with me...

I am a member of I do not post there much...I tend to read some of the things going on, however there are only so many hours in the day and I tend to stay behind enough as it is...

I have NEVER had a problem with the other holster makers that are mods there...

never had any dealings with T. Kanaley...Yea I know who he is, however we have not spoken...Granted I would think it was kinda funny if he did slam me..then I could tell everyone that MILT SPARKS FEARS ME!!! since his advertising budget is twice what I make anyway, I dont see that happening,
Never talked to Gary Brommeland either, but a fellow member of this board (who's opinion I respect) speaks highly of him...

Lou Alessi, OTOH I have conversed with via e-mail several times...he has answered my questions and offered advice on how to make my products better, even though we are in the same business (sort of anyway)...I consider him a gentleman, as well as a master craftsman...

Mr. Brommeland has recieved alot of love over at say otherwise is uncalled for..
NUMBER ONE Where did I post the name of any holster Mfg?

You didn't have to. It was quite obvious who you were refering to.

NUMBER TWO As for Tony Kanaley and Milt Sparks Holster I could care less what you think about my posts you make good holsters and if I want one I will order it.

Nah, I don't think so, Ivan! At least not directly from me. Your abrasive persona, as it has been directed towards several of my other customers, just doesn't set well with me. I might suggest you contact one of my vendors for your future Milt Sparks leather needs. Lightning Arms Sports comes to mind and they come highly recommended! ;)

NUMBER THREE As for the 1911 Forum it's just another gun forum along with many others. I do think it's run by a bunch of nit pickers and is has just two many moderators who are way to quick to try controlling the threads. But thats just my opinion.

The same abrasive attitude that got you kicked off the 1911forum, will no doubt, eventually get you kicked off here as well. Not really my concern though. Good luck to you and the moderators of THR!

NUMBER FOUR As for any other holster Mfg. my advice is to get to working and take care of your customer orders and don't worry about what people post in the forums. Worry about them your customers dropping dead before you can get their order made and their credit cards charged.

Not to make light of the situation, but that has actually been a little bit of a problem of late. Not a problem for me mind you, but for a few of my more elderly customers. Sadly, I had three of them pass during the wait on their orders just last year alone. :eek:

However, I don't hardly think that eight weeks quicker delivery would have changed anything and I do understand that your comments were just a figure of speach, right??

Anyway, my appology's to Gary for the hijacking of this thread. Carry on!


Edited name to reflect actual person
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Ron (Cerberus)--

There you go again.

After your rudeness to Mr. Kanaley and many others myself included, and to the 1911 forum which banned you thus your insults on this forum I must join Milt Sparks in their refusal to ever sell you a Milt Sparks product or any other for that matter. I would think by age 66 you would have grown up.

For the most part in my opinion you are a disruptor and trouble maker.
Come back with what you wish but all one has to do is run a search of your posts on other boards such as 1911 and Glock Talk, and the THR here to see the real you.

Craig Chadwick
Lightning Arms Sports Inc.
Let me set you straight Tony

I was not booted off the 1911 forum because I posted false hoods about holster Mfg.s or their sweet deal Vendors. I got booted off because I posted about Surefire flashlights in the for sale section by mistake. All the moderator did was tell me to post my selling price for the light I was not selling. Anyway thats history I really don't miss posting there it just muddies the threads where everyone is an expert already. I do feel sorry for the people who still work for my former employer because they did like posting on the 1911 forum but now they can't because the 1911 forum moderators are so stupid they ban anyone using the IP address from the companies computer. Anyway thats not little Rons problem anymore. As for the moderators of the highroad booting me off I really don't think it will happen unless I do something really stupid like bad mouth posting a fellow poster or causing problems by posting lies. I am always honest and truthful in my posts. If someone does not like reading the truth well thats their problem. So far I have followed the highroads rules I am sure the moderator will inform me of any problems I might be causing. As for not selling your products to me direct because I have ruffeled your fine feathers well thats your right. Don't think Milt Sparks would ever taken that stand against a free speaking American. But sadly he is gone..but hes not forgotten by many.

Your friend Ron Markem
Thank you for your kind remarks about my work. I'm glad to hear that you like your holster. Please let me know if there is anyhting else that I can do for you. Thanks again!
Well, hoop-la wasn't my intent, and I'm sort of disappointed, as it may overshadow the main point of my review of this wonderful new product I've found.

Oh Well...

I'm now about a week into my experience with Gary's work, and every bit as pleased as I was when I got it. In fact, as I sit here and type, I had to move to even feel my weapon! Yes, it's that comfy. I've spent every waking moment in this rig since I received it (except for my drive through WI and IL:fire: ) and there are no blisters, bruises, or sore spots to mention.

I've got my eye on some Sparks stuff, and I've always kinda liked Lou's shoulder rigs, so sooner or later I'll interact with them, as different makers have different products for different people with different weapons and different needs; but for a full-sized 1911 IWB? I'm a Brommeland customer for good!

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