Bubba's helpin' the cause, blows hand off...

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Bill Clinton must be smiling: "Midnight Basketball"

This Simpsons quote just had to be said:

Milhouse: Investing in our youth, big mistake. Midnight basketball trained them to go without sleep, and free school lunches allowed them to grow into physically enhanced SUPERcriminals...
HEY - don't stop at airsoft guns....

heck - go ahead and read back to that marble paintball gun....


now THAT there is a dangerous weapon - whats the calibre of those marbles!!!!

Bit of a legal gray area there as a BP weapon is not a firearm. Dangerous weapon for sure but not legaly a firearm.

Um, how much have you had to drink?:scrutiny: Maybe they have funny ideas in your state.

One of the few things that make life bearable is laughing when stupid people hurt themselves.
so he blew his left hand off...big whoop, thats why god gave us two. My gun dealer, he has no left hand (his name is Lefty), he still goes bear hunting with a 7mm Rem Mag.

i find the amount of judgement in this thread remarkable, given the total lack of technical details.

this is the high road, isn't it?
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