Buck Jam vs Deer Cane vs Homemade Stuff

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If buck jam and deer cane are illigal here you could have fooled me, it is for sale everywhere, Walmart has a huge display set up, I wounder if the game warden is watching the check out counter LOL

Kachock, Just because the stores have it doesn't make it legal in your state. In Pa they sell semi auto Rifles but they are not legal to hunt with in Pa. In Bama, ANY attractant that has a nutritional value is ILLEGAL to hunt over period. No if's and's or But's about it. It is clearly stated in the hunters guide. Buck Jam is a scent and has no nutritional value. Deer Cain is a mineral and has nutritional value. Best thing to do in Bama, is stay away from anything other than a spray scent just to be on the safe side.
cheep jar of peanut butter with a wedge cut from bottom... hang from tree...
Just a note...baiting is only legal for trapping...HOWEVER....bait used for trapping cannot be suspended (as from a tree).
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