bump in the night

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Might I suggest a belt for your next purchase? A great piece of gear. Once you've mastered its use you can trade up to a 700 and a decent scope; )

Best of luck with that, good to know young teens dream of being paid assasins. You might want to talk to a few vets about that before you get it too ingrained in your head that taking another's life is a simple, exciting and rewarding thing. Better yet, have your dad take you to a VA hospital to see what happens when targets shoot back or fight dirty. Talk with someone missing half their face, the good side looking like Freddy Kruger and an arm and both legs missing.

Still sound like fun? Don't presume to be anything you are not. Army Ranger is an honor earned, do try to respect that. I don't mean to sound so harsh but your perspective career is not one you can well fathom at age 14. Visit with those vets, it will be the best service you can render your country till you turn 18.
Taking a life would not be easy, but when a sniper takes a life he saves more.
I've seen plenty of vets who are seriously injured.
The majority of them are injured by IED's when they are missing a leg or arm.
A sniper who is master of his rifle can overwatch roads for little sand people who try to put out those IED's.
I always figure taking a life would not be a struggle when your buddy's is on the line.
Of course, I'm a teen. who apparantly wants to be "an assasin"
never crossed my mind. im planning on going into the army straight out of high school.
once im in 10th grade I'll be seeing recruiters.
then if I come home. I'll be riding to college.
Then i will work police until i get the respect to be the "Designated sharpshooter".
That's my plan for now
being a scout is awesome when i get to do my job, 70% of the time its a load of crud.

you have this image in your head of what a ranger is, and i gaurentee you thats not what its like
yeah because thats how it works, im not guna hate on a 14 year old kid for being motivated, but the line wont be what you imagine
i would second that, im 18 now and went through all the enlistment jargon for usmc, good luck signing as sniper out of boot or "basic" as they say in the army, and a ranger aswell? haha. idk about the army but if i told my usmc recruiter that i want recon and sniper he would laugh in my face, if i said that to my xo he would keel over. not hating on you, just dont want you to be disappointed.

by the way i hear about your howa 1500 all the time, you bring that thing up in SO many posts.
Don't let some haters get you down. I read your post and was reminded of myself at your age. You're already ahead of a lot of the competition in weapons know-how; but that is something that can be learned by anyone who is motivated. From what i've seen, being mentally agile and physically fit is much more important for getting ahead in the Army, the Corps, and most most everything else as well.

I should mention that as some have alluded to, perceptions of military life and the actuality are seldom the same: i tried it out and found that although i could run the obstacle courses and clean and shoot the weapons, taking orders from idiots and a whole lot of tedium was not for me. I'd recommend you talk to as many people who have first hand knowledge as possible before signing any papers.
Get good at push ups. :) When you get to Benning act like you've never even seen a rifle before. :D

For bumps in the night, the 870 gets first turn at bat. I live in a sub-division where over penetration is a concern. Load is Remington Home Defense BB shot. Good stuff!
i did 5 with my little bro on my back and my back flat cause dad makes me keep it flat. then i did 15 alone, then i did (10) 160 pound pushed on the weight machine.
then i did 20 on 90 lbs.
then 20 legs pull things on 90.
then i did a stairclimber for 4 mins. and i felt like watching a show with dad. now for situps.
Your goal should be 80 perfect push-ups in two minutes. It's a fast twitch muscle, lifting weights is not much help. Your hands can't leave the ground during the two minutes. :eek:
That would be to get you from OSUT at Benning to RIP. No max the PT test, no be a Ranger. :p

And, yes, when I was on active duty I could usually hit 50 (+) in the first minute and slog my way forward during the next minute. This was in the 80's. :D
It's not Call of Duty.

It's not Medal of Honor.

It's not working at your own pace, or own demands.

It's giving everything you possibly have (and don't have) at a moment's notice, constantly ready to do whatever is necessary, break your body and mind down to nothing a thousand times over til you can't possibly go on... and then do it some more.

You will be starved, you will be sleep deprived, you will be hurt, you will be pushed farther than you ever thought possible.

It isn't a sunny day at the range at your leisure, or a simple workout at home when you feel like it. And you damn sure don't get to take a break to watch television in between.

It isn't a fantasy. Or a game. It's hard, hard work. There is a reason only a small percentage make it.

Not trying to be down on what you want. By all means, go for it and work towards your goal. Just be sure to carry vast amounts of respect and humility. They will come in handy.

On a different note... Sad that you have barely lived your own life, but are already working towards taking others.

The world we live in.
Future, While I do love your enthusiasm, you need to get a little more "planted" in reality. I was 5th generation Military, groomed from birth to enter the service, had a firearm in my hand since I could walk and trained diligently and daily in the operations of them. By age 15 I was considering 500 yards a chip shot, Competed some, hunted more. Scored insanely high on my ASVAB and basically was told I could "name my job" in the military. Now after all that, I come to find out one VERY important thing. You ready? RECRUITERS LIE LIKE RABID DOGS My scores meant pretty much nothing, didn't make a tinkers damn that I could take out a flee at 800 yards with my favorite hunting rifle, my 5th gen pedigree meant diddly squat. ONE thing that DID make a damn was that I was in EXTREME physical condition since, at that time, I was doing 200 pushups every morning and every night, 500 situps nightly, and ran 3 miles daily and in the summertime was swimming 1 mile a day. All this for 2 years PRIOR to entering the service.
Now, that being said, do not EXPECT a "sniping" detail unless you go into the Marines and QUALIFY for Scout/Sniper training. In the Army, if it is still the same as it was in the 70's and 80's you have to be RECOMMENDED by your C.O. as well as have "marksman" grade and 6 months school with the m16, must be knowledgeable of skill level 2 tasks, perfect 20/20 NON CORRECTED vision and a slew of other things before you can even be CONSIDERED for Army sniper training.

Future you are 14 and while it is FANTASTIC that you are so into shooting sports and hunting, Please take my advise and ENJOY YOUR YOUTH and all that it entails! Have some fun. Sure plan for your future, but do not get the mindset of going into the rangers and being a sniper is what you ARE going to do. Hell son in 4 years you never know WHAT you may be able to accomplish if you keep your mind open to other things. While giving service is a commendable and wonderful thing to aspire to, you have a very warped and glamorized view of how the military is. There is NOTHING glamorous about taking a life, even that of a dreaded and hated enemy. And take my word for it, looking through a scope and seeing your "targets" eyes makes it that much more difficult and will bring nightmares to even the most hardened people. Don't let anyone ever tell you differently buddy. Unless you are a true psychopath it WILL affect you in more ways than you can imagine.
Marine Corps is the same way, only those who are the cream of the crop in an infantry unit get a slot into the Scout Sniper schools. Last I checked it was pretty much the battalion has so many slots in the school, so to get a slot you have to be a better candidate than everyone else in the 900+ man organization who is also interested. It is probably easier to get into Recon since you just go and pass the indoctrination (as if it is "easy").

Also don't kid yourself about the training. USMC infantry school is not a pleasant school, and I would imagine the Army equivalent isn't a warm fuzzy place either. The Scout Sniper course as implemented by the USMC is an extremely unpleasant school, and is seriously physically demanding. They figure just about anyone who consistently qualifies as an expert rifleman can be taught to shoot to the requirements of the course, but not all of them can pass the physical aspects, field craft, and classroom work.

Also in general as a former USMC grunt (assault-man) I can say that the job is 90% tedium, boredom, and misery.... 7% excitement...... and at least in a combat zone about 3% sheer terror.
At your age you should look hard at high school sports especially wrestling, hopefully your coach will be a believer in core strength development.
If you look at top tier wrestlers in mid weights you will be looking at people who can do what you want and have the mental toughness as well.
Shoot and enjoy the sport, less the bloodlust.
I would second the woodcraft suggestion, spending time in the solitude of the woods is good for the soul and can aways be used.
It's not Call of Duty.

It's not Medal of Honor.

i know.
im here.
im getting in physical shape, and I don't know if i'll be a ranger. maybe scout sniper. maybe border control. should i change my name? in fact. yes.
Well there's a string of posts that codified what I was attempting to say (without too much hatred).

No one here is trying to rain on your parade f.a.r., just letting you know there is no parade. In life there is little that can't be earned and nothing that can't be taken away excepting perhaps a good education. Work on that, your spelling and grammar (dismotivated is not a word unless they're teaching ebonics where you live) and prepare both body and mind to be ready for as much as possible.

Maybe a few guys here could suggest some good reading materials on survival, shooting and anything else that would be helpful to the lad. No Tom Clancy novels please.

PS, I'm not really hating on that Howa of yours and anyone reading my posts knows I go on about my M&Ps and M700 as if no other firearms existed. Shoot it proudly.
This thread has gotten off topic, but all the military guys who are "the toughest people ever" arent discouraging me. Sorry. :)
Im doing the best I can to drop weight and gain muscle.
I'm 14, got time.
but I do enjoy the fun things in life. like swimming. and being a goof at school.
but I also take alot too seriously. Like my future.
Hey JD, you might want to consider asking the moderators or a site administrator to change your screen name for you. Many sites don't like AE's (alternate egos) very much and may ban you.

I'm sure one of them can take care of it for you if you shoot them a personal message.
"border control" I think you meant "border patrol" :)

Keep your dreams, they are just letting you know that things (including you) can change in four years. And yes i am sure that everyone here wishes the best for you.

and back to topic, my bump in the night gun is my marlin 336 for Rifle and the Taurus 905 9mm for my pistol. pleasant dreams all.
I don't think a single person here has attempted to discourage you. We in fact are simply attempting to open your eyes to some REALITY.
If you gain muscle, you are gaining weight, muscle weighs more than fat by almost 30%.
You are 14 yes, THAT IS OUR POINT!!!!You have all the time in the world to consider your MANY options for life.
Keep enjoying the fun things in life (And don;t goof too damn much in school or Ill tell your mom! :) )
Nothing wrong at all with taking things seriously, even at your tender age. What Me, and I think the others, are simply trying to tell you is that it is NOT what you seem to THINK it is. We have been there and are simply attempting to impart some wisdom to you through our many experiences in and out of the service of our great country.
Prepare for the future but damn boy ENJOY THE PRESENT!!!
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