Burger Sword canes

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Nov 19, 2007
L.A. Lower Arkansas
Has anyone ever seen/used one of these? I thought I had seen something about them not being useful as a real cane. No I'm not ready yet for one, but might like to have one beforehand. Whenever the time comes, I don't want an aluminium "Medicare" cane.
While they do look nice and some are more intricate than others, I would double check the legality of carrying one. I know in my state it would more than likely be considered illegal. I think there are other solid canes that are not made of aluminum that look better and could provide adequate defense if that is what you are looking for.
Arkansas is pretty solid on blade liberty, but yeah, plenty of other states out there that explicitly ban sword canes. I have no comment on quality or utility of Burger or any other cane.
I have often wondered about the legality of one of the German Volskmarche canes with their shrouded and spiked tip. While the spike is better "off road" than your typical rubber cane tip it is fairly useless on pavement. I am guessing most US communities would however consider it a weighted cane and find the spike itself too "scary."

A scout leader I knew said an LEO had told him his walking staff that merely had a washer screwed into the tip to protect the wood and a rubber tip over that could be considered a weighted cane!

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