Burn New Orleans?

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Feb 20, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
I was thinking tonight, when the water finally does recede, they'll probably have to burn New Orleans to the ground. Disease, mold, dead animals, dead people. How can you clean that up?
Burning NOLA seems rather....Wagnerian....I think they will be able to salvage much of the city and surrounding suburbs...but in several cases, your solution would seem to be the most cost effective...especially for the less affluent wards...

Main thing concerning me is that we are bringing in some of the more lawless individuals into the Astrodome...and there is talk of FEMA looking for low-cost housing and low-cost apartments in the area to find a more permanent housing solution for these individuals...and some of them are allegedly escaped criminals...oh joy.

Seems to me that abondoning NO seems like a good option. With so much of the city below sea level disasters like this are bound to happen again. I read an article a few years ago saying that NO was actually sinking (albeit slowly).

With so much damage done to the city perhaps the best option is to rebuild elsewhere.

Monty Python's Holy Grail has a line from a not-so-smart king who talks about how he built his castle in a swamp. It sunk. So he built another one. The second one sunk too. So he built a third. The third one burned down, fell over, then sunk into the swamp. How many times will NO people rebuild before they wise up and build somewhere else?
Great, now the Enviro-whack jobs will really be screaming about global warming when they see all the smoke from all that wet stuff burning. :rolleyes:

Might be a tad difficult to get the fire started... :scrutiny:

Mr. Dove:
"AND NO SINGING !!!!" :neener:
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Might be a tad difficult to get the fire started started...
Actually, it's already started. The city is on fire right now.

How far it spreads is anybody's guess. Don't forget that it's not just water out there - it's gasoline, oil, chemicals, etc. all mixed in with the water. When the water evaporates, who knows how flammable to remaining sludge will be.
Figures. Looters seem to enjoy areas they've depleted of resources.

There's the possibility that the fires are caused by gangs trying to scarce resources even more scarce, thereby increasing their own bargaining power (having taken much of what they wanted before burning).
And it's possible they're just started by the same kind of scumbag animals that shoot at rescue choppers...just for the hell of it.
How can you clean that up?

A piece (probably SEVERAL pieces) of ordnance known as Fuel-Air Explosive :evil:

I think that A LOT of airborne/waterborne diseases are going to be a HUGE problem for many years in 'Nawlins.
burn it to the waterline.

then, rebuild it as an ironclad city.

hell, "new orleans" is at least as bad a name as "merrimack."
rebuild it as an ironclad city. "new orleans" is at least as bad a name as "merrimack."

As an ironclad, I think it was given the name "CSS Virginia".

Northern reporters kept its old name Merrimack because they liked the alliteration with Monitor. Better headline.
God, the Civil War seems to be like conspiracy theories involving Jews around here lately... gets injected into every topic. :neener:

Of course, an ironclad city would RUST, now wouldn't it? :eek:
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