BUSH Has His Eye on Cali Gunowner's...

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Jan 1, 2003
Ground Zero
California gun owners, George Bush is watching you

By David Codrea
[email protected]

October 6, 2003

California gun owners, George Bush is watching you.


Because on September 13, 2004, the unconstitutional federal ban against militia-suitable firearms and their standard capacity magazines is scheduled to sunset._

So what does that have to do with George Bush?

The president has said he favors extending the ban, giving cover to the Republican-dominated Congress to reenact it, or even make it permanent and strengthen it, via the Conyers/McCarthy-introduced “Assault Weapons Ban and Law Enforcement Protection Act of 2003."

So why is George Bush watching California gun owners?

Because GOP gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger also supports banning “assault weapons†and enacting additionally restrictive “gun control†edicts. So if gun owners can be cowed into voting for Arnold, as opposed to proven Second Amendment champion Tom McClintock, Bush will have a pretty good indicator of just how far he can betray them without political consequences.

And if the polls are indicative of Tuesday’s election results, the answer will pretty much be “totally.â€

If gun owners vote for Schwarzenegger, they will once more validate former Republican Party National Chair Lee Atwater’s cynical dismissal, “Where else do [they] have to go?â€

Over the past few weeks, it has been demonstrated beyond dispute that Arnold is an enemy of the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Gun owners who vote for Arnold out of fear will have proven themselves every bit the manipulated cowards Atwater deemed them.

Arnold’s handlers tell us we must vote for him because McClintock is “too conservative†and cannot win. Yet a recent Gallup poll demonstrates “when McClintock is pitted against just Bustamante, among probable voters the Republican state senator beats the Democratic candidate handily -- by 19 percentage points.â€

They offer a carrot, and tell us McClintock should bow out and run for future office, where he’ll have unified party support. What an empty promise—the same group of “moderates†opposing him now will have proven that their formula of compromise and betrayal works, write McClintock off again as “too conservative,†and push another “Big Tent†candidate—maybe even another one with Hollywood name recognition: The Republicans are making noises about running comedian Dennis Miller or actor Kelsey Grammer in future statewide races—both newly self-outed neocons who have never uttered a public word about the Second Amendment, and neither with the demonstrated political qualifications to run for dog catcher—but sure crowd pleasers for a celebrity-worshipping public.

And they offer a stick, telling us McClintock acting as a “spoiler†will end his political career, and promising to exact revenge on him later. What a hollow threat—as if any group so untethered from core values would have the guts in future contests to oppose any candidate they view as having the best chance—regardless of what he has or has not done.

As for splitting the Republican vote, it is Arnold’s backers who have done so—intentionally—in the culmination of what has been an ongoing struggle for “moderate†domination of Golden State GOP politics. The fact is, Gray Davis or Cruz Bustamante will be no worse for gun owners than Arnold Schwarzenegger. They might even be better, as Republican legislators would at least offer a nominal resistance to a Democrat governor, whereas with Arnold in office, they would be inclined to support him out of “party loyalty†(and what a pathetic oxymoron that has turned out to be.)

The fact is, if you let the GOP betray you and still reward them, you will have proven Lee Atwater was right.

The fact is, if you don’t vote for Tom McClintock, you will be telling all politicians who support us—and they are few and far between—that their faithfulness didn’t count, and that you will turn your back on them whenever someone bluffs you into thinking it is the “pragmatic†thing to do. If you do this, what incentive do you give the “good†politicians to ever stick their necks out for us?

On Tuesday, Oct. 7, I’ll be voting for Tom McClintock, and I’ll do so with a clear conscience. If it turns out that neither Arnold nor Tom wins, I’ll not feel even a twinge of guilt for my decision. I wouldn’t vote for Arnold even if Tom had dropped out, because the fact is, the Republicans haven’t turned their backs on him—they’ve turned them on the people Tom represents. Those who say otherwise just don’t get it—our rights are unalienable and inherent, and anyone who attacks them deserves nothing less than to be repelled.

The GOP establishment has denigrated the Second Amendment in this campaign as a mere “social issue†out of many, instead of what it really is—a keystone of a free republic. It’s time they learned that for some of us—I pray enough—their assault on our right to keep and bear arms under force of law is a declaration of war. So if “they†lose, tough. We gun owners are already living under evil, liberty-restricting edicts, and are in danger of having our lives destroyed if caught defying them.

Until the Republicans learn they cannot betray us, they can just feel our pain.

The fact is, George Bush and his handlers at the national level are watching this election very carefully. Because if gun owners don’t have the courage and integrity to take a principled stand, and through their numbers deny victory to a known antagonist, the future course of the Republican party will be clear.

After all, those leading it have proven to be nothing if not pragmatists.

David Codrea is not affiliated with the Tom McClintock for Governor campaign in any official capacity—he is simply a citizen exercising his First Amendment right to free political speech. He is also an advisory member of the Silveira v Lockyer Support Fund, financing research to achieve a definitive Second Amendment ruling by the Supreme Court. For information on this groundbreaking effort and how you can help, visit www.KeepAndBearArms.com.
This is speculation presented as truth. If not, where's the source material? I don't see anything that indicates that the authors "facts" are true at all!

I can say that my parents watched NYPD Blue on Tuesday night and present it as a "fact." In reality I haven't spoken to them since then so what I am doing is speculating on what they would normally do on a Tuesday night.

While this gentlemen is probably right, I am bothered about the tone of the article without any solid source material to back it up.
Agreed. There is no source given for where the author found out that Bush is watching California with a particular eye on the gun issue.

Besides, CA politics are not national politics. Unfortunately the situation in CA is more desperate than the nationwide situation.
On principle, the conservative vote should go to McClintock. We are where we are today because of compromise. The lack of true conseravtive leadership will only increase as a result.
Sentiment exhibited by the aforementioned blog infests the pro-RKBA community.

What are we to do WHEN Bush betrays us? First you make the assumption Bush is ideologically married to the AWB instead of playing the political game. Because the House is run by republicans with a spine he knows AWB will never make it to his desk. So why not make like an anti and attract the like minded to the party. (I just rehearsed the logic; I don't believe the logic for a minute.)

One the subject of "Where else will they go?" Simple. Dubya wants only two things out of life. 1>re-election, 2>control of the senate. I think it entirely appropriate for the electorate to deny Bush control of the senate. He has shown me nothing to indicate he deserves control of the senate and he's shown me nothing to demonstrate he will do anything with it.

So if Dubya sign's AWB (which he will not have to) then see to it he doesn't control the senate.
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