Bush Sr. gives awrd to Ted Kennedy!!!!

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It’s a good P.R. strategy to give meaningless awards and empty compliments to your (and your son’s) political enemies.

...not to mention that it puts them on the defensive and deflates their attacks.
This was reported in local papers some time ago.

Tell me again how there's a big philosophical difference between Republicans and Democrats.
where's that excrement eating smilie!

:barf: sheesh what a terrible article. No need to guess on that one's stance. Could the venom have been better disguised? I can't say enough about what is wrong with this article.What a reach on Bush Sr's motives. Does this writer do conspiracy theories? Maybe that should be the focus for this person from now on.
This foreigner got to watch this thing on TV, here in the Philippines, months ago.
(There's one cable channel that carries portions of C-Span and PBS)

Bush Sr. and Ted Kennedy were at ease and gracious to one another.
Both men kept referring to an "Aggy" something --seemingly in reference to the school venue. Whatever. I was surprised at how much thinner and paler George Sr. looked, and even Ted seemed a little haggard, but both men spoke with words clear and well-chosen.

Ted did not skimp on praise for George Sr., nor even for George W., lauding the Bush family for their multigenerational service to the American people. he did this without calling attention to his own family's contributions.

Not a bad gig.
Students got to see how dedication to public service could override a wide gulf in ideology: both men were one in urging students in attendance to consider public service at all times; not to let the spirit of public service die out in a world increasingly filled with distractions (and with doubt in one's ability to make any difference).

Both men got their light jabs in, albeit good-naturedly, and there was a surplus of self-deprecating humor on both sides.
Ted's speech was not overlong, and the students gave both men a long, standing ovation.

I felt that for a half hour or so, partisanship took a backseat to simple patriotic duty:

Inspiring the next generation of patriots to serve.

Like I said, not a bad gig.
Horge, the United States Senate is very much unlike the US Congress. It's a "gentlemen's club," where the members are supposedly engaged in a higher calling.

In the end, they're pretty much all buddies. When the floor fights end, they'll have dinner together, drinks together, and leave all the politics behind. After all, they vote each other pay raises, live large, and don't rock the boat too often.

Well, that's fine for them, but not for us. It's not for me. I want my senator--if I could get one who was on my side--to grab Ted Kennedy by the throat and rip his lips off. I don't care about "protocol," or "tradition," or any other lofty terms they use to describe themselves. The US Senate for the last thirty years has been the most compromising, gutless, unprincipled, self-serving, back-slapping, self-aggrandizing, shamelessly promoting, corrupt, and morally bankrupt debating society in the history of mankind.

IMO, the last time our federal legislators really engaged in any meaningful debate was when John Adams called Hamilton "the bastard son of a Scotch pedlar."

More recently, the best example of real poltics was the Democrat members of the Texas state legislature fleeing to Oklahoma to avoid having to vote on redistricting, with Texas law enforcement hot on their heels.

I don't want my legislator to play nice.

I want him to win.
Anything else?

"The US Senate for the last thirty years has been the most compromising, gutless, unprincipled, self-serving, back-slapping, self-aggrandizing, shamelessly promoting, corrupt, and morally bankrupt debating society in the history of mankind."

That about sums it up, monkeyleg. Does anyone have anything to add?

'Course "we" voted them in. :banghead: That might be the reason for the aforementioned qualities. It's another arguement to restore the power of the states to be represented in the national congress, not just the same old crowd divided differentrly.

If this were so now, we'd have never heard of "Senator" Hitlary. One thing a state Legislature would never do is empower a carpetbagger to represent it's interests.

The people, if given a free choice, will vote themselves into tyranny in a heartbeat. Hitlary says: "It's the needs of society, not the individual that are important," and she gets a landslide of approval from my fellow New Yorkers. :barf:

"The needs of society" is code for "bring on tyranny."

Possibly fools could vote a group into state legislatures who might not all be fools themselves and so legislatures could send some decent people to the national senate.

'Course, Mass A Two ????s, being what it is, probably would have sent ol' Chap Of Quick Dick Teddy and sKerry to the Senate anyway.:rolleyes:

Oh, yes. If you re-arrange the letters in "john kerry" you get our last president. "john kerry" anagrammed = "horny jerk," our last president.

sorry for the repeat. I sure get lots of laughs around here with that one.

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