CA Primary,who to vote for to replace Boxer?

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I was just going through all their websites last night. Several of the front runners (like Jones and Marin) don't even address the firearms issue. I thought that was kind of funny on Jones' part because if I recall correctly, he had an "A" rating from the NRA when he ran for Governor.

So far I'm leaning towards Kaloogian, as he's the closest to representing my views on a majority of the issues (actually a couple of others are more frank on the gun issue, but I won't vote for people that have spelling and grammar errors all over their website). Kaloogian is also being backed by McClintock, which puts him at the top of the pack in my book.
Screw principles in this state. Who has the best shot of beating Boxer? That is mainly what matters. By time this Senator gets in, the AWB will either be new or have expired. 2nd, this Senator isn't going to be able to do squat about SB23 because it is a state law. So we either get a ultra-liberal wench out of office and get anyone better in or we continue to make posts on THR with comments like, "I don't bother writing my Senator's; they are Boxer and Feinstien." This is not the state to vote your conscience. Vote reality.
So whom then?

Who has the best shot at unseating Boxer? Jones???
I am leaning toward Kaloogian as he supports my right to own an AR15
The only chance of beating boxer is Marin. Boxer is pushing the AWB, and just about everthing else I hate. Marin is very conservative on taxation, but the most important thing is that she will vote to place a conservative justice on the SCOTUS.

It's time to vote for a winner. How many more suicide missions do California Republicans want to go on? Jones is another sure loser.

Kaloogian. He has a lot of leftover "rep" from being the driving force behind dumping Davis despite NOT wanting to run for Governor.
I am leaning toward Kaloogian as he supports my right to own an AR15
Again, he can support it all he wants. I support your right to own an AR15, but I nor Kaloogian can do a damn thing about it. He will be too late to vote on this AWB and he sure as heck isn't going to be able to change PRK state law. The question is simply, is he electable in this state. In all honesty I don't know who in the heck to vote for.
Marin stands for nothing that I do... she has been consistently for illegal immigration (amnesty), wealth redistribution, and anti-2nd. Additionally, she has nothing going in the polls so far. It is really Bill Jones with a sizable lead, then Howard, then the rest of the pack.

There is a simple equation here... any Republican not electable in the primary is not electable in the fall [against Boxer].

My choice is between Howard and Bill. I probably won't decide until the day before.
Kaloogian is the A+ candidate on firearms policy.
Can he win a state wide race here:confused:

Rosario Marin sounds like a RINO to me. Same with Toni Casey.
Bill Jones does have a 'A+' NRA rating, though, I think Jones and AlGore were separated at birth. He was boring in the debates for Governor.
Here's a quote from a 1999 article (Dallas Morning News) on Rosario:

Rosario Marin is mayor of what she proudly calls
"the most Mexican city outside Mexico."
Thinking serriously about Marin. Even if she turns out to be Boxer with a Sombrero the corrosive nature of California's senators would be diminished, at least temporarily, by the reduction in senority, and fund raising ability. Freshmen Senators have more difficulty bucking the party leadership. We'd likely get a few decent votes out of here which is less than we'll get from Boxer.

I think I'll settle for the Camel's nose on this one.
I'm going with H K!

BJ doesn't have the balls to say he supports the 2nd on his website.
HK not only supports it,(after all Clinton "supports" the 2nd as well)
he came out against AWB,good enough for me!
BJ was in favor of John "close the gunshow loophole " McCain for pres
and McCain is doing his best to screw gun owners.
I hear that HK will blow Boxer out of the water during a debate plus
he led the recall of Davis
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