Call and complain about the Biased NPR Radio Show on DC Ban and Mayor Fenty Int

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I read the transcript and the questions themselves were open-ended and non-partisan, to my mind.
Oh, you want biased,listen to "Democracy Now" sometime. According to ol'Amy Goodman, the US military is nothing but a bunch of crude stupid rapists constantly abusing both civilians in theater and their own female troops, all the 9/11 conspiracy nonsense is real, and the guy who claims he stood outside an airbase to record and BROADCAST CIA flight schedules is a ruttin' national hero. If we actually still outlawed treason, she'd have been deported or hanged years ago.

Think of it as worst of DU on radio.. and your taxes go to pay the stations to air it. :banghead:

Now yeah, all of NPR is biased from their "features" like the above, the weekend "quiz shows" full of swipes at the President and ThoseEvilRepublicans, Garrison Keilors' "republican" bits.. and of course the news.

Heck, the only difference between NPR and Air America is that they at least try to cover up their hour long long opinion pieces as journalism.. and of course they get you to pay for it.

Me, I think the sooner the Feds pull the plug on all of public broadcasting, the better. There's enough media outlets now that didn't exist when it was founded. They want to push liberal propaganda, let 'em pay for it on their own dime.

It was biased, because they only presented one side. They did not do justice to the opposing view point by focussing only on the losers.
Listened to it, thought that sounded reasonably balanced. Fenty came across as a nitwit. The questions weren't necessarily hardball, but they were pretty pointed.

NPR has a political bias, as does just about every media outlet. However, the quality of music and news reporting on NPR is massively higher than anything else on the radio, so NPR is about all I listen to. Some of the niche-view shows can be a bit grating (Latino USA is preachy) but at least even they bring up interesting topics.

Oh, and I get most of my news from . I read it expecting a Brit bias, but where in the heck else can I get _daily_ reporting that covers such a wide spread? Both CNN and FOX News have devoted far more coverage to Anna Nichole Smith than to the entire continent of Africa.

If folks want to get more pro-gun content on NPR, I'd certainly support that. In the meantime, I'm not going to start listening to inferior stations just for political reasons.

+ 100 Kaylee. Biggest bunch of craziness I ever heard. Quit listening to them years ago. They would go out of business on a regular basis like Air America if they were not on the teat. I wish we could make the funding go away.
Well... that's true, but, Democracy Now is not on NPR.

I don't know where you live, but it sure as heck is here. 6:00 weeknights.

And that' s just the most egregious example. When was last time Prairie Home Companion could make it through a show or two without some tossed-off nonsense about Republicans? Same with that "news quiz" they run every weekend.

If the tables were reversed, you can bet there would be a hissy fit to end all hissy fits. How many libs would be okay with being forced to finance Rush Limbaugh, for instance?

Now I don't mind people speaking their mind. I do have a major disagreement with them taking my money to pay for it. And yes, I know DN is a privately run affair. They still get their money from local tax-supported stations though, which amounts to the same thing.
I think the sooner the Feds pull the plug on all of public broadcasting, the better. There's enough media outlets now that didn't exist when it was founded. They want to push liberal propaganda, let 'em pay for it on their own dime.
Car Talk, Prairie Home Companion and Michael Feldman's "Whad'Ya Know?" make enough in merchandising alone to pay for themselves. No reason the taxpayers need to be paying for any propaganda, left, right or Woebegonian.
Without getting into whether NPR should exist in the first place (and if you think it's too liberal...go work there and make a difference, or change the flippin channel), I think this thread is an interesting read.

Half the folks who actually read the transcript finding it balanced and the other half screaming about bias (without providing much concrete evidence for it).

I'll be the first to admit that there's tons of media bias against guns, I don't doubt it for a second as I've seen it action myself while lobbying for our gun rights here in MD. But it seems telling to me the way some people see the report as balanced and some are crying bias; methinks that NPR could run a direct feed from Wayne LaPierre's office and you'd still be crying bias.

In any event, it sounds like the showed Fenty to be the nitwit that we knew he was...
@Helmetcase: 's'truth.

A lot of folks are tossing the term "anti-gun" around as though the entire rest of the universe were totally devoted to some sinister plan to confiscate guns. Just because this is a high political priority for us doesn't mean that it's a high priority for everyone else.

I'd say the vast majority of "anti-gun" folks at NPR don't really care much, or know much, about the issue, and just lump their gun-views in with a general "progressive" outlook. They're just "fence-sitters" that are hearing more from the anti side than the pro-side.

Sending them foam-in-the-mouth criticism letters will just make them think that shooters are stereotypical rednecks.

The actual solution would be to educate more people about shooting, ideally by taking more people shooting, and by being a good ambassador for the shooting community.

People love to rail on NPR without having any sense of what they really do. Here is a NPR segment that showed support for concealed carry laws:

Talk of the Nation, June 16, 1999 · Thirty-one states have approved legislation that allows gun owners with permits to carry concealed firearms in public. Recent research has shown declines in rates of violent crime in areas that have such legislation, although gun control advocates have criticized the methodology of this study.
I listened to that report this morning, and I thought it was fairly balanced. It certainly did not come across as pro 2A, but nor did it come across as a horrible reactionary peice condemning a bad court decision. The interviewer, in fact, asked some very pointed questions. The DC mayor did not sound convincing in anyway and in fact did not seem passionate about the issue.
Back when the AWB expired I was called by NPR to debate John Shanks, law enforcement director of the Brady center on the merits of the ban.

I went in it with the attitude of a complete ambush but was very surprised when the host was completely down the middle.
His questions were designed to bring out the true results of the ban. A very good moderator.

An hours program that was supposed to include a represenative from the ATF, a local police chief and a rep from the state dept of law enforcement.

After the host introduced John and myself he made the comment that the ATF and state dept of law enforcement rep had backed out of the talk and that the local police chief had gone home early feeling ill.

It was a one sided debate as John could not dispute the facts.

The NPR host was fair.
I don't know where you live, but it sure as heck is here. 6:00 weeknights.
I'm surprised if an actual NPR affiliate is running that show. Is it a real NPR affiliate, or do they just run some NPR fare? Democracy Now is independently produced, not an NPR production. I sure wish we could get it around here.

And don't :barf: me. Amy Goodman is a godess.
I went and listened to another one

Just to be sure.

News and Notes March 12

Yep, they had a pro guy (sort of) on Robert George from the NY Post. He talked then they all trashed him. Especially liked the reporters use of the 'studies done by some cities that shows that you are more likely to have your own gun used against you than to protect you'. That he did not try to refute. She then said they didn't have time to let him talk anymore then they moved into some fluff piece about rappers.

Yeah balanced.

At least they were serious about the PA. The dems are going to steal that issue right out from under the repubs noses and and walk away with the election.
I don't care if NPR gave Rush Limbaugh, Ted Nugent and Jacob Sullum a roundtable discussion show and looped it 24 hours a day, its not the place of the federal government to steal-er-tax money from me to pay for radio entertainment.
I listen to my local NPR affiliate more than all other radio stations combined. They do have a leftist bias but they also have greater depth of coverage than anything else available to me. I don't make NPR my sole source for news but I'd miss it badly if it weren't around.

That said, as long as they use tax dollars to fund themselves, I won't be pledging my support. If they ever go fully private, however, I'd likely chip in.
the media is biased?:what: The questions looked fairly balanced, and I don't think the good mayor needed much help to sound elitist or illogical. I think it would have been nice though if they spoke to someone on the other side of the debate though. Normally anytime there is a news story on "gun people" they always single out someone that looks like the guy from the gun shop in Falling Down, and normally throw in a couple clips of the north hollywood shootout for "balance", at least this wasn't as biased as most news stations normally present.
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