"Campaign Finance Reform" vs. "Documentary Movies"

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Dec 24, 2002
Winter Haven, FL
If you thought Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 was bad, just wait. There is little doubt that Moore's movie will be in theaters this summer, but it is just the tip of the iceberg. Now that the Campaign Finance Reform has squelched the free speech of the little man in the days before an election, the media elite are set to release a wide array of "documentaries" into theaters leading up to the election to make sure their views are heard. Here are a few....

Tour of Duty - John Kerry's biography.

Hunting the President - How the vast right wing conspiracy attacked honest Abe Clinton.

UNCOVERED: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War - Title says it all.

You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train - A straight anti-war lesson.

Control Room - "A documentary on perception of the United States's war with Iraq, with an emphasis on Al Jazeera's coverage."

Persons of Interest - "The film shows how arresting persons of interest to the Sept. 11 investigation on immigration charges, such as overstaying a visa, enabled the Department of Justice to keep them jailed while it continued investigating and interrogating them about possible criminal activities."
Those titles represent millions of dollars and I would be indicted on felony charges if I called up four friends scrape together $600 toward a billboard 60 days before a general election.

Y'all seein' what this is all about?

And billboards, newspaper ADVERTISING, mailers, etc. No issue advocacy by "partisan" sources. NRA is out but Mikey Blimp Moore can run his film.

It conveniently exempts NEWSPAPERS ("reports" and editorials) and Films/Documentaries.
Campaign finance reform is an abomination.

If we cannot exercise the first amendment, it won't be long before the rest are gone.

This is what I don't understand about so called one issue voters regarding the right to keep and bear arms. They say they will support Bush because of his "good" record on the second amendment.

This makes no sense. If he will squash the 1st, he will squash the other 9 when it becomes politically expedient.
How 'bout four years of the lib/dem propaganda show "west wing"? The FCC ought to be on that crap like stink on doo-doo... Oh, wait, that's OK. It's only a typical biased media weekly anti-conservative/administration hatchet job, like the nightly news only once a week. :cuss:
This is what I don't understand about so called one issue voters regarding the right to keep and bear arms. They say they will support Bush because of his "good" record on the second amendment.

Quite frankly, I don't see what's good about it. Perhaps only if you're stuck in some tunnelvision "lesser of two evils" mindset.
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