Can a .38 be better than a .45?

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If it takes you two seconds to draw and fire your 1911, you don't need a small revolver in your pocket, you need some decent training and lots of practice.

I'm an old retired fart with a bad back and I can get off a CQB shot (the kind of arms length away thing being discussed here) in about a second from a concealed 1911 IWB.

Also, you folks are all assuming you will have enough warning to get your hand in your pocket. Murphy is alive and well and hangs around shooting scenes. Before you get too excited about this coat pocket thing, add reaching into the pocket and acquiring a firing grip to the equation. Compaired to that trick, drawing a 1911 variation from IWB may seem kind of sudden.

Ok, maybe I'm slow. I was just guestimating two seconds anyway. The point is, you can put your hands in your pockets anytime, anywhere without threatening or brandishing anyone, just as you walk to your car in a parking lot.
The idea certainly has some merit. I can see the advantage to having your gun in your hand without anyone seeing it. However, if you need the gun and don't have your hand on it, I think it would be faster to draw a gun from a holster.
This is all pretty much academic to me since I almost never wear a coat.
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