Can a Rossi R92 45colt handle "ruger only" loads?

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At least one person on this forum had their .454 Rossi fail, and he found out from talking with them that they'd had a number of them come back. Rossi's customer service was excellent, though, and let him exchange it for a .45 LC version when they replaced it.
At least one person on this forum had their .454 Rossi fail, and he found out from talking with them that they'd had a number of them come back. Rossi's customer service was excellent, though, and let him exchange it for a .45 LC version when they replaced it.
So your claim that "it was proven that it just couldn't handle it longterm" is based on third-hand, non-specific, anecdotal information from an anonymous internet post??? :scrutiny:
Look, when the person is praising Rossi's customer service by them replacing his gun AND letting him exchange it, I don't think he's going to lie about what they told him.
So your claim that "it was proven that it just couldn't handle it longterm" is based on third-hand, non-specific, anecdotal information from an anonymous internet post??? :scrutiny:

Craig you really need to get over this biased belief you have that EVERY levergun is a gift from the gods to be cherished and lauded with accolades.

Just like every other platform there's some pieces of crap out there scattered amongst the winners with a fairy large percentage coming from a certain south American firm.

Every time we have a Rossi -puma thread several of us will get on here and post our NEGATIVE experience with the platform. And every time we have a new thread you conviently forget about those posts and try to put forth this fantasy of 100% customer satisfaction amongst owners and get all torqued out of shape when we post about our experience.

Lets despense with the theatricals here and cut to the chase. Rossi puma leveractions are a hit or miss proposal at best.

posted via that mobile app with the sig lines everyone complains about
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Craig you really need to get over this biased belief you have that EVERY levergun is a gift from the gods to be cherished and lauded with accolades.
You need to understand that your couple of problem children are statistically insignificant. There's only ever two or at best three squeaky wheels in those thread, yet they pound their points as if it were gospel. Sorry but it ain't.

Henry's are certainly not gifts from the gods. Neither is the BLR. Those Rossi 92's are certainly not perfect and I say that in every thread. They tend to be a little rough but then again, so do Marlins. They also have zero provision for my preferred receiver sight setup but that is easily rectified. Biased, yes. Delusional, I don't think so. :rolleyes:

And every time we have a new thread you conviently forget about those posts and try to put forth this fantasy of 100% customer satisfaction amongst owners and get all torqued out of shape when we post about our experience.
I never said or implied such a thing. NOBODY has a 100% customer satisfaction rate but I've bought and sold enough guns to know that there is very little outright junk on the market. I've also spent 13-14yrs on internet message boards and learned a long time ago to take everything read with a grain of sand. This is the world's complaint department and opinions shared here are not necessarily a proper litmus test.

I had to send a Bearcat back to Ruger for replacement. Have I littered the 'net with tales of how all Rugers are garbage and not worth owning? No. I had to send a Cimarron back for replacement, have I berated them? No. Why? Because I have enough perspective to understand that those negative experiences are a tiny minority and that it is not fair to judge those manufacturers/importers by two guns which are, like I said, statistically insignificant. It's more fair to judge Ruger by the nearly three dozen that have been excellent, including the Bearcat's replacement.
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