Can anybody identify this thing?

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Looks like a tricked out version of the South African GL-6(?), the 40mm grenade launcher based on the Striker 12 rotary shotgun.
I vote for medical instrument... 'cause it looks like you could remove lots of parts using that critter.
It's a device used to remove potatoes, beer cans and other foreign objects from the rectum. It's a French device that the FDA is examining for possible use in American ER's. Apparently, this device can remove up to 6 objects per cylinder and with multiple spare cylinders, can clear up to 60 rectums per minute. This is over four times faster than the old manual rectalectomy methods still practiced by many ER docs.

There are some drawbacks; the device will not pull really large objects free. Physicians at Paris' Ecole De Recto-Chapeau recently failed to pull Jaque Chirac's head out after multiple attempts.

My guns do, I guess, qualify as marital aids. They get me out of the house often enough so that my wife can stand me the rest of the time.

My wife'd shoot me if I didn't at least offer to take her..
I think the dent puller looking thingy is a cleaning rod... not sure.

I used to manage an indoor range in Santa Clara, CA- we had LEO in there alot practicing with Sage guns, and that sure looks like one except for the collapsible stock. They use a 12 ga. blank cartridge to propel a hard rubber baton about 1.5" thick and about 6" long. They have a revolving drum that you have to wind like a watch... pretty cool toy.
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Medical & religious instrument. Excorcizes evil spirits from the body.
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