Can anyone tell me about this rifle?

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Oct 16, 2013
Hello THR, got a question about a Knight Rifle muzzle loader I got from a pawn shop about a year ago. On the side it has LK-93, guessing that is the model, looks like their big-ram model. Went to Knight Rifle with this and they didn't give me much, just sent me the owners manual, didn't tell me much else about the weapon. I love the gun, fires like a dream and dead on accurate, love to hunt with it. just wanted to know alittle more about it. thanks THR
Hello THR, got a question about a Knight Rifle muzzle loader I got from a pawn shop about a year ago. On the side it has LK-93, guessing that is the model, looks like their big-ram model. Went to Knight Rifle with this and they didn't give me much, just sent me the owners manual, didn't tell me much else about the weapon. I love the gun, fires like a dream and dead on accurate, love to hunt with it. just wanted to know alittle more about it. thanks THR
Don't know about the 93, but the 85's I've shot are about as accurate a muzzleloader that you can find... on comparable with the White, in my opinion, the very best of them all for shooting conicals....
These are quality rifles made in America when made in USA meant something. They are about as strong as can be. They are a little hard to take down and clean compared to the newer ones, but hopefully you got the proper tools to take out the breech plug.
I use 777 in mine and have been very happy with it. Scope it and go hunting.
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