Can I lose my Carry Permit and 2nd Amendment rights if

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As more ammo.. messing with a mailbox is a Federal offense.

Mailboxes are considered federal property, and federal law (Title 18, United States Code, Section 1705), makes it a crime to vandalize them (or to injure, deface or destroy any mail deposited in them). Violators can be fined up to $250,000, or imprisoned for up to three years, for each act of vandalism.
Sharpshooter, get out of Clayton County man!

You know the government and cop situation there, I'm sure. You would not get a fair shake no matter what goes down.
If they are in Kentucky and they try to set your stuff on fire then it is a legal "deadly" force situation. In your case shooting one of them would not fix anything. Sounds like you should try to move. Hey move to KY.
You've got to leave the testosterone behind and learn to ignore other people's BS. That's part of the discipline of carrying a sidearm.

If may well go against your grain...and you may consider it "unmanly", but if you get into a physical altercation and you are charged with assault, it's highly likely you would lose your carry permit.

As you mature (grow older), you learn this anyway You also learn bruises don't heal as fast.

So, you want to keep your permit...ignore your neighbors' crap.
Clayton County? That explains a lot.

As others have said, a felony conviction will cause you to lose your rights.

With that said, I'll add this piece of non-advice. A friend of mine whopped up on someone in his (my friends) yard. The other was admitted to the hospital for several days. The police were called on my friend. They talked with him, no arrest was made. A civil suit was filed against my friend, and his parents (in HS at the time) in turn filed a counter-suit. The primary suit was thown out with out even being heard. The counter suit won in court. Judge said (parafrased) that the incident happened on my friend's (parents) property, the other person was the aggressor, and at fault.

Now as I said, this is not advice. Legal or otherwise. Just a fact of something that happened in Gwinnett County in the early 90s. Each officer and judge may see things differently. My friend may have gotten lucky.

I would avoid any incident if at all possible. And definently don't cross onto their property, or do anything that could be seen as provocation. But if they attack you on your property, do as you see fit, but I wouldn't back down.


Clayton has one of the most diverse racial compositions in the country. Unfortunately, it seems that the races collectively decided to dump those who represented their race in a negative manner into Clayton. White, African, Hispanic, Asian, doesn't matter, anyone who can be considered scum seems to flock to the area.

duckman- you just described at least 75% of metro Atlanta, and 50% of ITP Atlanta.
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Grow a thicker skin and get a better apartment. It may sound easy for us to say, but it is nonetheless true.

If you are going to carry a gun you MUST have enough self control not to rise to the bait when somebody pulls your chain. The old adage about "sticks and stones" may be childish, but nonetheless true. Who *cares* what they say? If you do, why do you? Do these people's opinions of you actually matter to you?

Stay safe, above all.

my neighbors wanted to come on the property and pee in the mailbox at 1 am

I vote for a badger in the mailbox. Man, that would be something to watch. A PO'd badger getting woke up by being pi$$ed on, only to awaken to find there's "something" to grab onto.:evil::evil:

You could almost sell tickets to that one, especially since you know when "showtime" begins.
im a little confused, this is a gun board but in the OP i thought he meant giving them a physical beatdown not shooting a trespasser...

so do you still loose your privileges if you just kick there @$$ for trespassing/vandalism
I too would vote for electric mailbox!
Ever see what happens to a youngin that pees on an electric fence!
Don't even let them know you own a firearm.
Avoid ANY confrontation at all costs while Armed-Up.
Evidence of their activities toward you/against you is your friend.
Get a DVR with infrared cameras, aim one toward your mail box, and another toward your backyard.

In my case, I'm a homeowner and the property next door was rented to four 20-something white males who apparently decided this must be the set of the movie Animal House.

Their drunken parties 'bout every other weekend usually last until 3 or 4 AM.
Plan 1.....FAIL
Got tired of going over there every time to ask them to turn it down only to have the music cranked back up 10 minutes later.

Plan 2.....FAIL
Local Fuzz can no longer enforce a "noise curfew" ordinance as the county board passed a db level threshold to define "Disturbing the Peace."
Only problem is they DON'T issue the patrol officers db meters so they are not allowed to cite anyone.
Dingbats next door figured this one out pretty quick.

Plan 3(always have another one in reserve.......... ;) )
Started calling their landlord every time the party got out of hand, or ran outside past 11:00.
(figured if I couldn't sleep,....neither would he)

To make a loooong story short........their move out date is June 30. :neener:

Don't give up, just come up with a better PLAN.
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Shovelhead has the best post yet. The infrared cameras are very cool, they can see in the dark and the perps don't even know they're being recorded.

Calling the landlord and waking them up is EXCELLENT advice, I have done this with great success on several occasions in my apartment-dense neighborhood. I own a house that has apartment buildings on three sides of it, and the landlords have all learned that I will do an end-run around their property managers, and not allow them to detach themselves from their properties. Generally, their contact information is available through county records, and if it is not, you can usually get it from one of the other tenants that you may be friendly with.

I know you want to kick some butt, I am very familiar with that feeling. But for the same price as 2 or 3 hours with a good defense attorney, you can buy the hardware and software you need to keep yourself out of jail and retain your gun rights.

Good luck!
SHARPSHOOTER 74 - "I might as well move out. I've been here long enough. I give up."

You're not "giving up." Moving to another location merely means you are being realistic, considering your present environment and neighborhood.

You're just being wise!

3 or 4 months ago I moved into a new place because I liked it not because of neighbors (mostly). Not until I moved did I really realize how sick of the unsafe neighborhood I was living in I was. Towards the end there were folks with guns in the street and I was in the house armed and waiting for something to happen. I'm not the type to call the police due my misspent youth. Next door I had drunk, strung out white trash next door. And dealers across the street. When you finally decide to move out it's a relief you never knew you needed.
Plan 2.....FAIL
Local Fuzz can no longer enforce a "noise curfew" ordinance as the county board passed a db level threshold to define "Disturbing the Peace."
Only problem is they DON'T issue the patrol officers db meters so they are not allowed to cite anyone.
Dingbats next door figured this one out pretty quick.

THAT type of bulls**t you =really- don't have to put up with from your elected officials. Time for the "county board" to do it's da** job, or to get a new county board. They are there to serve YOU, not the other way round.

Plan 3(always have another one in reserve.......... ;) )
Started calling their landlord every time the party got out of hand, or ran outside past 11:00.
(figured if I couldn't sleep,....neither would he)

To make a loooong story short........their move out date is June 30. :neener:

Ah yes, the "spreading the joy" plan. Usually a winner!
You can lose your CCW for being charged with a misdemeanor (especially if it involves or can involve probation). They can take the CCW if you are in any altercation involving the police, then its up to you to go to court to prove that you should get it back.
By the way, get video tape from your property of the neighbors behavior, but make sure that you are not participating in any way, if you so much as egg them on you are part of the problem, then present the evidence to the police, if it does no good then post the videos all over the internet with their real names, addresses. Its been done many times.
If you can afford to move to a better neighborhood, don't waste time even thinking about it.



Excuse the bump on this old thread. I followed a link to this thread from another post, started reading it and forgot how I got here.
MOVE! ASAP! Break your lease, pay penalties, work 3 jobs... but MOVE!

Buy a house in a nice rural or suburban neighborhood where your neighbors are respectful and quiet.

Rough neighborhoods mean fights, breakins, vandalism, cops, drugs, thugs, noise, shootings, stabbings, etc. Sooner or later it's your turn. If you upset the wrong people, the people that REALLY don't care about cops, jail, criminal record, etc, they will make your life really miserable - dead pets, vandalized car, arson, burglary, etc.

I lived next to a wacko that really made my life miserable. It taught me a huge lesson. If it's bad enough, MOVE!

Do whatever it takes to lawfully get the F outta D and make a better life for yourself.
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