Can you indentify this?

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front of a USP? arnt those blocky like that?

i still think its an Airsoft gun. so my vote goes to airsoft USP
Those things only shoot 6mm BBs that would be more like a marble gun...
Now that I think of it, the barrels on some of the Airsofts are much larger than the shot they fire... just at the muzzle end, though. That's the way it was on the Mk23 copy I had.
i dont think its an airsoft. all the airsoft guns ive seen you can look down the barrel and see a spring or something. at least hes got his finger off the tigger
It's a Foklio Gambrini 10.5 mm.

What's the matter with you guys?

Official Sidearm of the Taranto Carabinieri Municipale.
No guide rod --> blowback (most likely, I realize there are exceptions). Hi Point .45, or one of the large caliber jennings/bryco/whatever-they're-called-this-year guns.

Now to read the rest of the thread.
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