Can you "uparmor" a level III AR500 armor plate with a floor tile?

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Apr 10, 2005
sweet home arizona
At this point, pretty much everybody knows that lightweight, high velocity .223 or 5.56mm can perforate Level III AR500 armor. Does placing a single floor tile in front of the plate transform it into a sort of hillbilly Level III+ plate? Can a tile "uparmor" the plate such that M193 doesn't penetrate?

I was thinking about the sheets of bathroom tiles that are all small. The Bed liner might work also.
Yeah, one of the problems is that for this concept to work on a curved plate requires small tiles but the small tiles means gaps, which means another layer.
Interesting. How much does the tile weigh relative to the steel trauma plate? I am guessing it's quite a bit of weight?

If you took smaller piece of ceramic (ideally ones with a slight bow), and overlapped them to form a pattern, do you think this would be equally effective?
3/8 AR500 target hanging from chains just gets a little dinged up from 55gr Hornady FMJ loaded to ~ M193 velocity at ~30 yds (not advocating shooting steel with a rifle at that range though). Even if it had a solid backing to keep the plate from moving, I doubt it would penetrate.
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