Canada: "Gun control: Schools ban even the word [gun]"

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can you believe this seems an appropriate question


School board bans 'gun' from spelling tests
Action taken after 1st-grader's parents complain to officials

Posted: February 11, 2003
5:00 p.m. Eastern

© 2003

A school board in Canada has banned the word "gun" from all spelling tests in its district after the parents of a first-grader complained about the word appearing on a spelling list distributed by her teacher, reports the Ottawa Citizen.

Chloe Sousa and the offending word. (Photo: Ottawa Citizen/

According to the report, 7-year-old Chloe Sousa, a student in the Lombardy, Ontario, Public School, came home with a list of spelling words last week that included "gun." Her parents, Amanda and Mark Sousa, who consider themselves pacifists, were shocked that the offending word was on the list.

"I realize people hunt in this area, but I still don't think that warrants the teaching of this word to my daughter or any other child," Mrs. Sousa told the Citizen.

"The word gun is synonymous with death. I'm racking my brain trying to figure out why a 7-year-old would need to learn this word."

According to the report, Chloe's mother was hesitant to bring her views forward for fear of backlash from the school toward her daughter, and because some may view her problem with the word as another political correctness issue gone too far.

"For a split second I considered whether or not I should raise this issue, but I knew I had to stand up for what I believe in. This was not right," she said.

Mrs. Sousa wrote to her daughter's teacher about the issue, but didn't hear back. Instead, Chloe brought home another list later in the week that included the word "gun" along with an illustration of a pistol next to it.

"I was horrified that not only were we ignored, but now my daughter is carrying around a picture of a gun," Mr. Sousa told the paper.

Mrs. Sousa then decided it was time to call the school to speak to the principal.

After her call yesterday, according to the report, she received an apology from both the teacher and Terry Simzer, a PR person representing the school board.

Simzer explained that the word gun had been in the curriculum for a number of years, but as of yesterday, gun has been removed from the spelling test because of the Sousas' complaint.

"I can't say how many years it's been used, but a number of years, yes," said Simzer. He defended the word as being a good phonetic word and short vowel word that is easy for young readers to learn.

"We do appreciate the sensitivity around the word, especially in these times, and have taken the word from the list because of this parent's complaint," he told the Citizen.

"We are quite happy that the whole matter has been resolved and the word will no longer be included in our curriculum."

Said Mrs. Sousa, "Even after all of the obstacles I'm happy with the conclusion.

"I accomplished what I set out to do and that was to have this word removed from my daughter's spelling list."
I guess Glock would be an acceptable replacement. *Kudos to everyone who stopped and thought about it and got it*
Chloe really needs to learn about other 3 letter words with one vowel too, including "gun". Words like:





That way, she won't have to ask her little friends what they mean.
I still don't think that warrants the teaching of this word to my daughter or any other child.

"Mommy, Mommy! There's a bad man outside with a ...? Never mind."

"I still don't think" should have been the end of that sentence.
The irony is these people are shooting themselves in the foot (pardon the pun).

If they don't allow their child to be taught the word "gun" how can they teach her of the joys of gun control :neener:
Well,if you had bothered to have read dev_null's comment then you would have known that he specifically refered to those of French descent.
In Kanada. If I am not mistaken, they are refered to as Quebequois or Acadians.

Cajuns are American.

P.S. The 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting. I don't give a tinker's damn whether the French hunt with firearms or not. I say that as a lifelong hunter and hunter ed. instructor. Hunting doesn't require guns. I kill big game all the time with my bow. I could kill wild boars quite easily with a boar spear. Hunting and R.K.B.A. cultural attitudes are not synonymous, ergo they do not provide any insight whatsoever into national attitudes about guns.

When the going gets tough, the French in particular (that you brought up, not me) may as well have paperweights. At least paperweights don't get all scratched and dented when they are dropped.

One of my hunting buddies is a Cajun from Avery Island/Derouen LA. he's as gun-totin' a good ol' boy as they come, and a former Army Ranger to boot. That comes from being AMERICAN. That he is 90% French in ancestry is immaterial.

Had his family remained in La Belle Fronce, he might have absorbed the spineless culture of the French and become a paperweight dropper of the first order. Either that, or like his ancestors, he would have noted that he was surrounded by losers and fled post haste to AMERICA.

Ethnicity doesn't predispose one to any particular character traits. Nationality OTOH (like the toxic collectivist environs of Fronce) can and does dispose many people to a loser/collaborator attitude. The history of the last century attests to it.
Canadian 911 call

"911..what's the problem, eh?"
"There's a bad person holding a, uh...metal 'thingee' to my wife's head."
"A metal thingee?"
"Yes. It has a hole in one end"
"How big a hole, eh?"
"Let me get my calipers. It's 9mm in diameter"
"Doesn't ring a bell. Is it some kinda knife?"
"NO, it's got a round part where the bad person has his index finger."
"I,m sorry, don't ring a bell, Bub. If it ain't a knife it just sounds
like a tool of some sort...can't send the RCMP out....
"Oh, jeez! Now I remember! It was something they wouldn't teach us about it school. My sister, Chloe, got our parents REAL upset,'s a gun! :banghead:
Can't say "gun".

How about "mortar"? The kind that goes with bricks?

How about "naval rifle, eight inch"...talking about the ship equipment, not the sailors'.

How about Heckler and Koch, carried by the friendly school officer?

How about "musket"?

I can just see their dictionary, black marker over 5% of the entries...Newspeak in the works.

Ah, to teach in American schools, where students discuss just how machine gun tripods and camera tripods differ :)
Can't teach how to spell "gun"?

Ok, but they also can't teach how to spell "fusil". Gotta spread ignorance in both English and French.

That's the law. Or at least that's how it was presented in the classic movie "Canadian Bacon".

Gotta stop using my nail gun This house is going to take forever to build, good those pacifists don't mind being robbed while they are out in the open!

No more staple gun for me either.

No gun-ho.

No Gunsmoke on TV. :)

Glad I am south of that border and north of the other one!
Read my sig line.

I was born there...have lived in US more than 30 years, proud citizen for a long time.

I'm angry and ashamed at what's going on up there. Canadians have completely abrogated their rights to self-determination and self-reliance.

Still curious to hear how much nose candy, sports cars, Lear jets, male strippers, leggy hookers, and tropical villas that billion-plus "registration" money paid for.

Code Orange or not, I'm very glad to be here, for a lot of reasons.
When the going gets tough,the French in particular(that you brought up.not me)may as well have paper weights

No,your first comment implied that the French were not capable of using firearms for any purposes and I'm sticking to my guns on that.

One of my hunting buddies is a Cajun from Avery/Derouen LA. he's as gun totin' a good as they come,and a former Army Ranger to boot.That comes from being AMERICAN.That he is 90% French in ancestry is immaterial.

Well,that is your opinion,not fact.I also am of French ancestry and have a few friends that are as well.In one of my friends homes there is a French flag hanging right at the door and I can assure you that he is no coward since he is the most short tempered person I know.He considers himself as French as he does American.
P.S. the 2nd Amendment isn't about hunting.

I never said it was,I didn't even mention the 2nd Amendment.
I'm also well aware that you don't need a firearm to hunt.
Ferreting is common in Britain and France and the rabbits are usually quickly and humanely killed by neck breaking.I've killed many snapping turtles by cutting off their heads as well.

In Kanada if I am not mistaken,they are refered to as Quabquois or Acadians.

Cajuns are Americans.

I have a map of the different sections of LA. and Cajun country is also called Acadia.
BTW,dev_null said descent,so that could be applied to anybody of French descent.
There's a reason Cajun country is called Acadia.

When the British took over Canada after the French and Indian war, they displaced many of French speaking people of Acadia, who ventured south into Louisiana. The word Cajun is a bastardization of the word Acadian. IOW Cajun is Acadian, but contracted and pronounced poorly. Cajuns are the descendents of French Canadians.
We need to go through the Bible and delete every mention of "swords" or "spears" or "slings." We don't want our seven-year-olds exposed at Sunday school to words synonymous with death and violence. :rolleyes:

How do you tell the story of David and Goliath? :banghead:
Isn't just the region of Upper Canada. My 8-year-old niece-to-be in Montreal just made some comment about refusing to say "gun" - "because it's a bad word".
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