(Canada) Police Using Firearms Act To Restrict Mobility & Freedom of Association

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Dec 24, 2002
Moscow on the Colorado, TX
The Star Phoenix (Saskatoon)

February 5, 2003 Wednesday Final Edition

SECTION: Local; Pg. A9

LENGTH: 239 words

HEADLINE: Gun activist fires back Gu

SOURCE: The StarPhoenix

BYLINE: Betty Ann Adam

Saskatoon anti-gun control activist Ed Hudson says Ottawa police are using the Firearms Act to restrict his mobility and freedom of association.

Hudson, 57, was arrested last Wednesday in Ottawa after refusing to relinquish two unregistered firearms and a part of a gun he had brought with him on a flight from Saskatoon. Hudson had met the Air Canada requirements for safe transport of firearms. Those requirements did not include a check for a gun registration or a firearms licence. Hudson burnt his licence in a Jan. 1 demonstration in Ottawa.

He had returned to Ottawa last week for a court appearance related to a Jan. 1 demonstration on Parliament Hill where he had demanded to be arrested along with his friend, Jim Turnbull, for handling the gun piece at a public meeting.

After last week's arrest, Hudson was held overnight and released after a court hearing.

The conditions of his release include staying out of Ontario -- except for his court appearance and meetings with his lawyer -- and not attending any type of rally or firearms demonstration in Canada.

"The government is definitely showing everybody what their game plan is on the Firearms Act," Hudson said.

"That is, to restrict our rights of mobility, our freedom of association and our freedom of speech," Hudson said.

The police took his firearms, and know that he owns other firearms, but have done nothing to confiscate those weapons, he said.
The conditions of his release include staying out of Ontario -- except for his court appearance and meetings with his lawyer -- and not attending any type of rally or firearms demonstration in Canada.

***?!? :confused: :cuss:

That is so beyond outrageous. He has been charged with what amounts to a "political crime" (not rolling over in blind obedience to the state) and now they are suspending the free speech rights of a citizen not yet convicted of any crime.

I would be banned from here in a heartbeat if I wrote what I really thought of this absolute :cuss: :cuss:
You don't even have to type what you think -- I feel the same way.
I am not so sure that "peaceful" is the way to do it for Canada. Giving it a try might not hurt much. However, the peaceful approach uses up time which might be better used fighting and winning a civil war. Then again, I also wonder if the US federales would invade to help out their fellows in Canada...

So we are back to being peaceful despite the provocations.
How surprised, I mean really surprised, is anyone at this?

Additionally, does anyone think that "government" would act differently here?
We have a First Ammendment that guarantees freedom of association.

Even the Liberals won't touch that one, lest they lose their venues for nasal whining. They know they have a RIGHT to tell you how to think.

I'm not familiar with Canada's defining legal document. Do citizens of Canada enjoy the same guarantees that America does?

I guess that's a silly question, right on the face of it. Canada's "Constitution" is probably so alive it gets fed twice a day.:rolleyes:
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is extreamley vaguely worded, and is frequently overriden by the courts "in the public interest". this is Legal under said Charter of Rights and Freedoms (so said The Supreme Court of Canada)

it also includes the "Not WithStanding" Clause. which allows the govt to exclude Charter Rights and Freedoms from specific laws and cases by a simple (party line) vote of Parliment.
In other words it sounds like it was written by politicians, for politicians with loopholes that a tax lawyer or criminal defense attorney would be drooling over.

Hell of a document to base a system of government on. :rolleyes:
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