Canada to destroy 20,000 FALs?

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WHat is the canadian method of destruction? does this mean there will be a flood of Canadian parts kits?
Is Canada hurting for money ( ;) it's a government, of course they're hurting for money)? Convince them they could recoup a few shekels selling them to us South-of-your-border types.
Canada will very likely send the whole lot to the crusher I'm sure, as per UN arms control "suggestions" (as they are not treaty or law).

Austraila sent a similar number into the crusher last year and that was after a number of importers here had bid to import the parts kits.

It's a crying shame but I don't think we will ever see any more Inch pattern kits in any condition brought into the country and I'm also pretty sure all the nice metric kits are gone too. All thats left now are the beat up ones.
I've always thought that things like firearms should be returned to the people who payed for them if they're no longer needed.
Yes, I'm afraid the liberals who are running Canada at the moment won't want their surplus rifles falling into the hands of nuts - er, I mean, enthusiasts! The British did the same with the thousands of Argentine FAL's they captured in the Falklands. They brought back several containers full of them, and torched the lot a few years later... :fire:
Here's an email update from Bryan:

Yes. The FN C1 was phased out in favour of the M16-variant C7 circa 1989, and these 20,000 (actually 28,000, as I was reminded today) are the last in the eastern half of Canada, not counting museum pieces. The others, I believe, are in a warehouse in Edmonton. My tasking over the next few months is to unpack them (many are in pristine condition, clearly never issued or used), verify serial numbers against a master list, remove certain parts (the asbestos/wood handguard, and possibly the plastic carrying handle, though it's still undecided) and repack for shipment to a local smelter for meltdown.

I'm not a weapons expert myself, but when I saw a thread about rifles, I couldn't resist being a little bit cheeky and mention the impending mass destruction of what I'll admit is a handsome (albeit heavy as a mother????er) weapon, knowing the anguish it would cause as I coldly chuckle at the insanity of it all.

Regrettably, I really couldn't "liberate" a rifle for myself or others, without risking serious jail time. Security is tight and this isn't the sort of thing one casually slips into a pocket. I've commented on what a waste the destruction is, and a co-worker pointed out that (he suspected) it was illegal to sell gas-powered semi-automatic rifles to the Canadian public. Frankly, I blame the beaurocracy for this almost criminal waste. Had the project been turned over to me, I'd have had those suckers on eBay in a heartbeat, though possibly only for shipment to the U.S. Handled properly, we could recoup a million bucks, easily.

Oh, well. Mine not to reason why.
Cpl Bryan Ekers
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