Canada's Crime Rate 50% Higher than U.S.

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Unfortunately when the US or the rest of the world hears any opinions from "Canadians" it is always from some useless Liberal from Toronto and the dribble that comes out of his or her mouth is than perceived to be the average Canadians opinion.

Damn skippy on that one, some talking head in the lime light...

They'd never interview anyone form further up North, they'd get an earfull. ;)
I just read "The Anti Gun Male" by Julia Gorin ( Jan. 24, 2006 ). Simply brilliant. Beautifully eloquent. Dear lady, I hope you have many children. If not, I hope you have many listeners and readers. Well said! And thank you.
I immigrated to Canada in late 89. And, what v65magnafan saying is true. Toronto is still safe in some part to live in. But, your safety is not in your hand. There has been an increasing numbers of ethnic gang related recruitments.
It seems Canada is looking for a scapegoat, too: Outgoing Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin is blaming the United States for his country’s violent crime wave. He says his southern neighbor is eagerly bringing guns over the border.

And even if this were true, is it the gun that makes people commit crimes? Antigunners need to get a life.
I think we can do better for sourcing here.

What we have is an unatributed (no "by line") NewsMax article that uses another article as a source. The source article (here: ) also cites no source material. In fact, the link I gave is not the original link as the Star Telegram does not appear to have any record of Alan Gottlieb ever having written an article for them. Of course the newsmax article doesnt say that Gottlieb wrote the article FOR the Star, it says the article was IN the star, makes me think that our article is actually using a letter to the editor as a source for it's statistical data.

So we are trying to make a point here using an article from a dubious source without an author who uses an op-ed piece written by a recognized activist as the sole source of what should be easily attributed information.

The whole thing may very well be true, but the article is a joke, and using it as some kind of evidence is embarrassing to all involved.
Maybe that's why Canadian audiences BOO! when the American National Anthem is played is because of the higher crime rates there and they blame the USA. Suppose?
Another Canada National Post story, Northern View: Gun control myths just won't die, by Lorne Gunter, May 9, 2005, contained this:
Now the Library of Parliament has released a comparison of violent crime
rates in the Northern Plains states versus Canada's Prairie provinces.
The simple conclusion: Rates of gun ownership among law-abiding private
citizens have no effect on crime.

Despite having nearly twice as many households with guns as their Canadian
counterparts -- and similar economic, cultural and social demographics --
Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana and Idaho have lower crime rates than
Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Researchers determined "both violent
and property crime rates were two-thirds higher in the Canadian Prairie
provinces than in the four border US states."

Murder was 1.1 times higher;
violent assaults and attempted murder, 1.5 times;
robbery, 2.1 times;
breaking and entering, 2.3;
and vehicle theft, 3.2.

Harassing duck hunters, target shooters and gun collectors to register
their firearms will have no effect on crime. But don't tell liberals.
They take great comfort in their myths.
The "study" allows discretionary reporting of crime, "fraud and bribery" were conveniently missing from the Mexican numbers.

Are fraud and bribery crimes in Mexico? I thought that's how they collect their taxes...
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