cane finishing

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I find depending on the wood and expected use either Johnson paste floor wax (six coats and power muslin buff for each coat) or a good grade Marine spar varnish in clear gloss (3 coats and hard felt buff).

On a wood cane?
A few hand-rubbed coats of Birchwood-Casey Tru-Oil would be my preference.

Very durable, and very easy to touch up again if needed.

Time for a new eyeglass prescription, I thought it said CANE FISHING and had visions of expandable poles and concealed reels in a cane.

Actually showed my 13 y/o a fiber glass expandable fishing pole recently and he commented that with a rubber tip it would make a usable when we got home from the store I showed him the one in the shop with a rubber tip on both ends.......

I read fishing came too and was intrigued at how it might be on topic here at THR. I was hoping for pics of the lures that trigger a 22 when the hook is set. I shall provide such just to please myself and not let other anglers be disappointed... But on a walking cane I hope to not need one for 40 or 50 more years but the one I made my grandpa out of white oak looked really nice with mineax honey oak topped by matte polyurethane. Now off to google fish getting shot.
Now theres an interesting idea!

One of them collapsable fiberglass cane poles would make a great 'Stand Off' weapon!

You could stay 12-15' away from the BG, and give him a sound thrashing about the face, head, and arms he wouldn't soon forget with the flexible solid tip! :D

Well all right then!

I already got me a couple of them fiberglas cane poles in the basement somewhere?

Now all it need is some of them exploding lures right there!

BG's better give me some slack then I betcha! :D

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