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You know what I found odd? How quickly the people here were ready to throw him under the bus. All the big talk here about how important our rights are, and as soon as someone has his rights violated, people turn on him.

Some suggest hiding our hobby. Why? Are we ashamed of our rights? If you aren't willing to stand up to your friends and defend who you are and what your rights are, you will never stand up to your enemies.

Or if anyone wants to read a single thread on this board, try the one I started:

Long story short: A college student posted MySpace pics of himself with Cal-legal ARs, someone at his college saw this and notified the cops, and Matt got raided at his home.

When I read the link you posted what struck me most forcefully was the gun owners here who piled on to kick that young man. I used to be surprised by that behavior each time I saw it. Now it looks to me like the behavior of chickens rushing to peck one of their own to death if he stumbles.

God save us from the need for "friends" like that. I'm glad he survived both the California police and that crowd.
Let the lawsuits begin! It's time for serious legal payback! Time for a DA to be brought up a la Nifong!

Sad to say.... but what did his innocence cost him?

A gross abuse of the justice system based on what? That the firearms he posed with might have been illegal. The only way to tell was to have an expert pick them apart to see if they conformed to CA's BS laws and the states continuing effort to disarm us.
I shudder to think how much he spent to clear his good name against this obvious witch hunt.
This case had dropped off my radar, so I am ecstatic that he was cleared.

However, after reading through most of the threads linked to, it seemed that the most recent were talking only about conferences with the DA in the hope of avertiing a trial. Since the charges were dismissed by a judge rather than being dropped, that obviously didn't happen.

Could someone post a concise summary of what charges actually went to triel and the basis of the judge's ruling? I'm sure I'm not the only person outside of California who is interested.
This is some great news.

Several people here are due for a generous serving of crow. I hope he is able to sue everyone involved personally into penury.
It never went to trial, the DA's office spent their time trying to find a way to charge him with something. The problem was that they couldn't and kept postponing the issue.

I doubt he'll ever get any kind of payback, trying to sue the legal system is costly and could go on for years. First thing he needs to do is to get all of his stuff back, take a picture with it while flipping the bird and then send it to the DA.:evil:
This is awesome. Maybe it wasnt a good idea to post his guns all over the internet with so many antis out there, But its his choice his right and he is 100% legal. I just put a big write up on my Blog about it.
Best news in a long time! Good for him!

I too was disgusted by some of THR remarks; nobody should EVER be ashamed of their hobby. Owning guns isn't about keeping it a secret from your neighbors. THR community is filled with good people who are great neighbors; when love ones and friends realize what type of people own guns, they will be less likely to support gun-control. One of the largest reason for gun-control legislation is gun-owners being silent and Americans believing crude stereotypes. It is important that we actively engage and change people minds about firearms and those who own them.
That is good news.

Can anyone tell me how the Judge justified $625,000.00 bail? Did Matt ever make bail or did he stay in jail the whole time? And what about that Restraining Order at his College?
I would be glad to send some money to assist this person also. Certainly is a mind boggler. Thanks for the information.
The comments that he should not have posted the pictures, are slightly more troubling to me than if people had said that he should not have owned that type of firearm.

How can we say we defend our RKBA and in the next breathe not defend our right to speak of those rights, or express those rights...say via a picture?! Shocking, just shocking.'s burning!!! NOLA, VT...Who's next?! It's coming to a town near you.

The comments that he should not have posted the pictures, are slightly more troubling to me than if people had said that he should not have owned that type of firearm.

Living in the Peoples Republic of California and posting pics of your guns is kinda tempting fate. I agree be an activist, speak your mind , teach people, and debate the issue. However the media used the images against him, having guns hanging on the bedroom walls, and the videos showing firing a semi-auto rifle from the hip and a high rate of fire. Gunnuts like ourselves may say damn that looks like fun, most of us have probably done/do it and theres nothing wrong with that. But the people that don't shoot see images like that and their minds are made up...he must be a terrorist living in the US with all those and that type of guns. This hurts the image of all gunowners.
When I read the link you posted what struck me most forcefully was the gun owners here who piled on to kick that young man. I used to be surprised by that behavior each time I saw it. Now it looks to me like the behavior of chickens rushing to peck one of their own to death if he stumbles.
This is the firearm owners largest enemy themselves as a house divided will fall. Believe me we are so so very divided.
Some of your comments really make me sick. I mean what's wrong with posting pictures of something that's LEGAL. It really says something when one should EXPECT to be legally harassed for doing nothing illegal. I really hope they teach the DA a lesson about malicious prosecution :mad:.
divemedic wrote:
You know what I found odd? How quickly the people here were ready to throw him under the bus. All the big talk here about how important our rights are, and as soon as someone has his rights violated, people turn on him.


I see a lot of "Pro Rights" talk here, but I know from experience that most of these people will easily submit when thier rights are pressured. As children we knew these type, they played it safe and sided with the Bully - or didn't say anything and turned a cold shoulder to anyone who stood up for themselves. Remember? they are all grown up...and they are still subject to being bullied. Not much has changed. I hope it doesn't embitter you.
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