Now, given that the Castle Doctrine states that the police have no obligation to protect us, and that in most areas in the USA you have a right to self-defense if you feel your life is in danger, please consider this scenario scenario.
Katrina-type disaster, major earthquake/riots in California, etc.. Armed mob marches on your house, guns drawn... you know they are going to loot/murder.
Leaving NFA and GCA legalities out of it (modify to semiauto and pay $200 tax), would this be legal? Of course it would not be paintballs, but rather fire live-ammunition.
Of course the step after that would be took it up to motion detectors... but I am curious as to what the legality would be in its base form....
Katrina-type disaster, major earthquake/riots in California, etc.. Armed mob marches on your house, guns drawn... you know they are going to loot/murder.
Leaving NFA and GCA legalities out of it (modify to semiauto and pay $200 tax), would this be legal? Of course it would not be paintballs, but rather fire live-ammunition.
Of course the step after that would be took it up to motion detectors... but I am curious as to what the legality would be in its base form....