CCW while driving by a school

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Steve 48

Feb 24, 2006
St. John, Kansas
I have read and seen on TV that you need to be a 1000 feet away from a school when carrying or transporting a firearm. In some towns, that is quite impossible to do that especially in an unfamiliar town or a very small town. Does anyone bother going out of their way if they can or not? I know the Supreme Court threw out the last No Firearms law on School property but the congress passed another law that has not been challenged. Steve 48
You can't drive through most small towns or large cities without being within 1000 feet of a school. You can't drive down most interstates more than 50 miles without being within 1000 feet of a school. The purpose of the law was not to be enforced immediately. It's obviously unenforcable at the moment.

However, what will happen is that cops will tack it on to other charges for a bad guy who does something within 1000 feet of a school. The bad guy won't appeal that particular charge because his sentence for that crime will be very small compared to his other charges. That happens a couple times.

Then the cops will use it to get people who they know are doing something wrong, but can't catch 'em - just pull them over within 1000 feet of a school and search the car. Then it will be people who piss off the cops with all that "constitution" nonsense. By this time, it will have been prosecuted successfully so many times that nobody will be able to appeal and get it overturned on a Constitutional basis.

At that point, they can set up checkpoints like the drunk driving checkpoints they have now. On certain roads, they will check your car for guns, and WHOOPS you drove within 1000 feet of a school on your way to the range. Get pulled over anywhere in the city? Better know which roads don't go within 1000 feet of a school, and tell the cop that's where you went. Live within 1000 feet of a school? You can't take your guns out of your house, you can't buy a new gun and bring it home.

This is a law which effectively bans gun ownership for a large portion of the population, which is just not being enforced ... yet.
The law excludes permit holders. I used to live in Utah where concealed carry on school grounds was legal and I did so all the time.

This is a dumb law, though. Like criminals will stay 1000' from schools.
And the law is unconstitutional, and was ruled so by SCOTUS 'round about '94. It was a landmark decision -- the first time I know of that SCOTUS restricted rather than expanded what is commerce. Congress passed it again, adding some weasel words about how the prosecutor must show that the gun affected commerce. It hasn't been ruled on since.

Ain't that grand?
As I understand it, it is once again being challenged by a civil rights attorney. Peter Hamm appears to be rabidly anti-gun and ready to usurp our rights.
Texas addressed that......

A parking lot or street is not considered school grounds now........chris3
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