CCWP Questions

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Apr 13, 2009
Hey HR, been a long time since I posted or asked questions here, good to be back. Ok, got two questions for everyone, tried to find the answers on my own, but no luck. Well, I found some answers, but the way they worded it was alittle confusing, I don't know.

Question #1 - Was stationed in Korea for the last year, got back stateside, starting checking expiration dates on all ID's, well, my CCWP is about to expire. Now here it is, got another 5 days before I have to report to Fort Hood. Now for me to go all the way from Fort Hood Texas to Louisville Ky, the drive alone is insane, something is telling me that there is got to be an easier way. So what I am wondering, is once I get to Fort Hood, can't I renew my permit there, or will I have to take the course all over again? The permit will last me during the trip there and for a week or two, but after that then I gotta figure out what to do from there, so again, the question is, can I renew a Kentucky state CCWP in Texas since that will be my duty station, or will I have to wait for the permit to expire and then retake the course there in Texas to be issued a Texas state permit?

Question #2 - I finally convinced my wife to get her CCWP :evil: , now we got a small problem, she got into alittle trouble a while back, will not go into detail with what happened, but the incident was treated as a Federal matter, she spent two days in Federal Pen, because a minor issue happened on US Military post. Was not violent in nature, had nothing to do with drugs, the offense was a minor offense, like I said, the only reason why she even had to spend the two days in Fed Pen was because it happened on US Military post. Now, I was going to try to get her her permit in Texas, but would something like this hurt her chances on getting a permit, like I said, it wasn't violent in nature, drugs not involved, hasn't been in trouble since she was 18 and she is now 31. Sooooo.......... think she can get her permit, or would there be something else that would have to be done to get her permit, or does she even have a chance of getting her permit.

Any info that you guys could give me on this would be really great, like I said, I don't know if I came across the answer or not online, but I know there are alot more people out there who have a greater understanding of the laws then I do. And please please please please PLEASE keep answers simple. Thank you HR
1) Call whoever issues the Kentucky permits, they should be able to at least put you in the right direction.

2) It really depends. Was she convicted? Is anything on her record? If so, it may have to be expunged. Talk to an attorney that deals with firearm rights, or right reinstation.
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