Cetme price check....

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Dec 10, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
My local shop has a Cetme on sale for $595. It's got all black plastic furniture and it's in excellent condition.

Is this a good price for one of these in today's market? I am tempted to put some money down on it if the price is right.

Are these ever going to come back down in price to what they were before the ban scare started?

Sounds like a good deal to me but I'm not into the black rifles much
i bought a century cetme from sog in jan/feb. the cost was $630. i am an 03, so had it sent to gunsmith. he spent some time on it and charged $70, testfired, gauged, etc. i took it to the range and ran thru 4 mags (HK G3 mags...$4/each). it purred. virtually no recoil. a little push back. a hoot to shoot.

but do this: read up on the cetme forums because many of these rifles are plauged with intolerable problems, particularly century although some say the problems are fixed. but read, read, read. and insist on the ability to test it and be able to return it. some people recirculate problem guns through dealers and you want to avoid this problem.

good luck. i really enjoy mine.
Sounds like a good deal to me (given the currrent market conditions) but as Porsche said, CETME rifles can be plauged with reliability problems. I would only buy it on the condition that I have can return it within a set amount of time should it not function as expected.
Yeah I examined it thoroughly and it seems to be in great working order. I found a checklist online of things to look for before buying a Cetme and everything checked out ok. The gunsmith at the shop also told me he examined it and gave it the ok and I'm sure if the gun has problems they would let me return it.

I just wasn't sure about the price so I wanted to check. I looked at gunbroker.com to see what they're going for now and it seems like I'm getting a pretty good deal on this one so I'll probably go in later today and put some money down on it.
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