Chair commando sickness?

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As far as the OP goes, it's more than normal: it's healthy. Now, mine seem too often to slip into daydreams involving multiple coordinated threats and some acrobatic feats I know I'm incapable of, but in general it is good practice.
me too :evil: I thought I was all alone in my plans to defend my home form a horde of attackers, both armed and unarmed coming from all directions. then there's the zombies to worry about..... and since sarcasm doesn't transmit very well over the internet, I was kidding about the zombies. Mostly.
Byron, good work. That was a bad situation, glad you made it out okay. I've only assaulted one person (that didn't "start it"). I was about 4, a dad's buddy that had been picking on me earlier... I waited till he fell asleep on the couch about halfway through the race and a 12 pack. Thats when I snuck up on him with a plastic bat and smacked him in the worst spot.... yeah. I'll never live that one down. Sorry about the digression.
I "size up" people in the sense that I try to be aware of any possible weaknesses in my situation and always try to have some sort of plan. I try not to let it get out of hand though. That's hard since I read 'Odd Thomas' a few years back. It's even tougher going to the mall now (not that it was easy but now it tough for a different reason).
I've always just considered this a guy thing.

I do that to pretty much any other male that crosses my way on planet earth. I practice martial arts and stuff tho.

Once upon a time, when I had healthy knees and Karate on the brain....I used to find myself developing miniature "tactical plans" all the time. Kind of like going to a competition and sizing up your opponents. Hard to turn that kind of mental activity off, once you learn how to turn it on.
"Then you're doing it poorly. It's just an idiom - there's nothing to do with size."

ever sized up a professional? (ig) cant read much.

Im not opposed to it, I do it too, regularly!
Im just saying that you can easily fool yerself aswell.
you can only see what someone lets you see. dont mistake it!

Im nearing 2 decades as a pratitioner.. still not fool enuff to predict anything by merely "sizing" someone up..

couple asswhoopins will teach you alot about what you 'think'.....;)

read Byron's post and learn...

Some of the smallest guys I know are the ones I'd pick first to be on my side...
They have something to prove and they usually get good at it. Good point.
And sometimes taking the high road requires you to punch somebody in the face.

Uhhh..being a fairly small person, I'd rethink that....

now, if I ever had to whack a person, and could get in one good hit, it would end the discussion. Period. Depending on the situation, they'd be down for 10-15 minutes, or for eternity.

You’re not paranoid if they really *are* out to get you…

…. What… you mean you don’t have a ma-duce for the misses?...
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