Challenge picture thread

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Well, the photo is not showing up on my browser, but the file name “Rolling Mine Exploder NH101.jpg" did flash by, so I blindly guessing it is one of the devices the British Army developed for the D-Day landing, to clear paths through mine fields by exploding the mines in front of the vehicle carrying the device.
I won't say that's cheating, but it probably wasn't in the spirit of the question. But touche' anyway! Next time he'll remember to rename the pic prior to attaching.

armoredman -> :banghead:
It is Dean Kamen's prototype of the new Segway tank.

"It will change the way armies do armored battle."
Smoky Yunick (sp?) designs a tank?

(or whatever the cartoon character's name was who drove a car with two wheels like that.)
Looks like one of the variations of the "Panjedrums"(sp). Designed/built by the "The Back-Room Boys"(title of book) in Britain during WWII to set off mines. Most were not too practical...
Definitely German in origin. The turret's from a PzKw I or II...
Geez, am I a geek or what... :uhoh:


Kubinka's Museum of Armored Forces website lists it as an "Alkett Minenraumfahrzeug," which translates to "Alkett Mine clearing vehicle" or something similar. Here's another pic, this time in green:

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That would be great to drive on the high way. They need to make it do 60mph so you can realy tare the crap out of the pavement.

It would work as an early scout walker.
Apparently it had a third wheel in back to steer by, that went missing. Here is the best pic yet...turret is a Panzer 1, which gives you an idea how big this thing is.
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